Had a few questions come up in last night’s game that I didn’t have immediate answers for.

Had a few questions come up in last night’s game that I didn’t have immediate answers for.

Had a few questions come up in last night’s game that I didn’t have immediate answers for.

Should advancement triggers and leveling occur as they happen in game or should they be evaluated at the end of the game? This was our second game and we’ve been doing it at the end of the session.

Are explosives meant to be one-time use? A player picked some sort of explosive as one of his starting assets and he points out it seems unfair if he can only use it once whereas every other asset types stick around. My guess here is it’s more of a supply of explosives and misses could lead to running out of supplies.

Are there any rules for permanently upgrading assets? Like adding a new tag to a weapon, or training existing crew.

2 thoughts on “Had a few questions come up in last night’s game that I didn’t have immediate answers for.”

  1. 1) Advancement should theoretically happen when the trigger happens in game. That said, it really depends on the comfort of the group. Some folks prefer an end-of-session recap/xp distribution. it’s all good.

    2) Both grenade belts and explosives charges are supplies. As you said, a failure or partial success could mean running out and needing to get more.

    3) Permanent personalized upgrades, especially upgrades from Class 2 to Class 3, are handled as Skills. If you want to upgrade a crew, train in Leadership (Personality). If you want to upgrade your gun, begin tinkering with a Custom Weapon (Military).

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