We finished out a year-long arc recently.

We finished out a year-long arc recently.

We finished out a year-long arc recently.

The heroes, dubbing themselves The Catalysts, sought to change the world. The enemy mastermind was The Status Quo, and our heroes sought to upend it.

In preparation, they built super tech and removed advantages before taking it fully on.

Our heroes were:

Signon, who has control of devices he can see.

Ectype, who can make copies of things he can touch.

Full Disclosure, who can read minds and implant false memories.

The advantages removed were:

Private sectors primary over public for resources

Exploitable poverty

Humanity’s lack of empathy


For the first, they captured an asteroid, and put everything mined into the hands of the UN High Council on refugees.

To reduce exploitable poverty, they created a super tech device which, with the pres of a button, would create one of six staple grains. This was the brain child of Signon.

To help humanity be more empathic, they added something to the device: create another one. Then they went public, spreading these around the world. To make this work, Ectype made a copy of himself and this copy was put in the center of an asteroid, as part of a machine to make what people needed.

But don’t worry, there were dozens of Ectypes at this point.

With those advantages removed — and Obama on their side — they started dealing conditions:

[critical]: Hope For the Future

[critical]: World fever for the catalyst mission

[critical]: Humanity choosing to be a part of what’s next.

[moderate]: compromised secrecy

Between putting Ectype in every hoispital, Signon using the teleportation pads (did i forget to mention? They invented teleportion, using a small part of Ectype) and super space suits to build a moon base, and oh yeah the super undies that make everything easier …

The status quo and all its wiley vileness is holding on by a thread. As in, I’ve written down that we need one condition of damage.

Full Disclosure, who has amnesia meets with his family, and founds out that his father is the embodiment of the status quo. His family is one of the 80 families who own half the world.

Pushed to his limit, Full Disclosure extends his powers. He makes everyone in his household fully aware of suffering in the world, and accidently reaches out to the population of the world, ensuring everyone knows.

With that, everything changes. They spend the next session dealing with fallout, and next time we’re going to do a microscope session and push ahead in the timeline.

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