22 thoughts on “Has anyone seen starship troopers?”

  1. Judd Goswick I disagree in one regard. The book is better fiction the movie is more fun. I mean it’s a bad movie and yet it’s one I watch again and again. Read the book once. So my game would be based on the films. If you’re down for that let me know.

  2. I can recommend the animated series. Actually, the different military campaigns in this series would make really good settings for Starship Trooper RPG campaigns. Different geography, different environmental hazards, different vehicles and – of course – lots of different types of bugs to fight.

  3. The book had automated grenade-launcher racks and powered armour that jumped hundreds of feet at a step, to really bring the war down the aliens’ gullets. Or you can play the movie vision of more conventional “poor bloody infantry”. Make it clear which before you begin the game.

  4. We hate Fleet!  Except gunners.  Gunners keep those organic chitin-balls full of acid from hitting the battleship before we eject.  We’ll buy a beer for a gunner!

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