Hello again, mates

Hello again, mates

Hello again, mates,

I have two questions about character advancement, specifically points 3 and 5.

Point 3 states that you can add new power tricks or effects to your power profile. But, is there any possibility of relocating some of those you already own? I mean, for example, my hero has ‘flight at a fighter speed’ as borderline in his power profile. I want to progress this power and make it difficult or simple, so he can use it more easily. How can I do this?

And, concerning to point 5, maybe it is a translation issue (I’ve got WiP in Spanish), but I don’t understand this point at all. Or I do understand the meaning but not the utility of that advancement.


13 thoughts on “Hello again, mates”

  1. There exists a move called transformation that does what you describe in your first question.

    As to the second, i have no clue what you mean by “point 5”?

  2. Where is that move in the book? I don’t remember it, sorry.

    In the character advancement chapter, there are five possible ways to improve your character and the last one (at least in the Spanish edition) is numbered 5.

  3. Transformation is the third move in the “Figure out who I Am” Drivebook. As to the second part, it’d be easier to just tell me what you mean instead of referring to it, i don’t personally see any numbering in my WiP in the advancement section.

  4. Let’s see if I can explain myself: in the character advancement chapter, there are listed up five possibilities to improve your character via achievement points, right?

    Well, the last possibility, which I named as point five as to the Spanish edition, is the one I do not understand, perhaps because of the translation or because I don’t get the meaning at all.

    Here you are that ‘point’ as to the Spanish edition (don’t know if posting this can help anyway, sorry):

    5) Puedes gastar 3 Logros para eliminar las limitaciones correspondientes a aumentar un nivel tu Dificultad para Encajar (ver página 90). Esto requiere que le restes uno a tu Límite de Vínculos y que muestres cómo un poder mayor le dificulta a tu personaje hacerse pasar por una persona corriente y encajar, además de justificación en la ficción.

  5. I think it’s probably this one, from my limited spanish:

    “You can remove one of the limitations you placed on your powers by spending 3 Achievements. This requires lowering your Bond threshold by 1 and showing how more power leads to your character having a harder time passing themselves off as normal and fitting in as well as justification in the fiction.”

    When a player creates a character they decide on some limitations their powers have ( Superman might have “Vulnerable to Kryptonite” as one of his limitations for example. )Your limitations then decide how high your bond threshold is, and how many powers you get at the start of the game. This particular advancement allows a player to remove one of the limitations they placed on themselves, at the cost of lowering their bond threshold in return, keeping the same logic of character creation (more power = less bonds) in effect.

  6. Fully understood now. Thank you David.

    As I suspected, the text in Spanish don’t say the same thing you explained. It doesn’t mention your powers limitations but your problems to fit.

    That’s why I didn’t get the meaning at all, because as to the spanish text, it seems you want to use 3 Achievments in order to fitting in worse and losing Bonds only, without benefits to your character.

    And there’s no mention in p. 90 (always Spanish edition) to any relation between powers limitations and problems to fit. How do the limitations decide how high your Bond threshold is?

    Anyway, thank you again.

  7. In the Enlish version, there’s a piece headed “further defining powers and limiting powers” around that page number which explains all about this. there should be a table with the amount of points you get, but i can copy paste it here for you in case you can’t find it.

    Ease of Fitting In (interacting with others) / Extra Bond Points Received /

    Extra Powers Defined (above and beyond the ones already written)

    Occasionally difficult / 6 / 1 extra simple

    Frequently difficult / 5 /1 extra simple, 1 extra difficult

    Extremely hard to form lasting relationships /

    3 / 2 extra simple, 2 extra difficult

    Actively ostracized by most / 1 / 2 extra simple, 2 extra difficult, 1 extra borderline

    So for example, there are 3 total players (3 starting bond point), and one of those players has chosen powers and limited them in a way that it would make it difficult for him to live a normal live, but not too much so. They would end up with “Frequently Difficult”, gain 5 bond threshold on top of their 3, making it 8, and gaining 1 extra simple and difficult powers, on top of the ones they start with (one of each)

  8. Yes, it’s the same in Spanish, but I cannot see if there is a direct relation in the game mechanics between powers limitations and the ease of fitting in.

    I mean, if you choose one, two, three or no limitations for your powers there’s no rule that establish how easily or hard you fit in the world (occasionally dificult, frequently, etc.), except your common sense and your decision, right?

  9. the rule is common sense, not a number. This game is fiction first, so you’re going to have to get used to that kinda thing if you want to play or GM it :). Basically a player just decides what he wants, and if the whole group agrees that it is a certain level of personal life limitation, then that is what he gets, no more or less complicated than that.

  10. Ah that makes sense. And no problem man, I’ve had my own issues with translation things in the past, so i can empthize. Best advice i can give you is grab the english creative commons version and maybe refer back to that if you have rules/wording issues.

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