When Let It Out is advanced what real game moves have you seen created where the character marks corruption to “make…

When Let It Out is advanced what real game moves have you seen created where the character marks corruption to “make…

When Let It Out is advanced what real game moves have you seen created where the character marks corruption to “make the manifestation permanent”?

8 thoughts on “When Let It Out is advanced what real game moves have you seen created where the character marks corruption to “make…”

  1. For instance my oracle recently broke a magical device that had a spirit powering it and that spirit now lives in her earring. She can ask it one question in a scene about magic related things that the spirit might know about.

  2. I saw a Werewolf pick up Regeneration as a result of an advanced Let It Out. We also had a Wizard learn time magic… he could rewind or stop time for brief periods by Letting It Out.

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