I’ll be posting an official Kickstarter update over the weekend, but things are getting very close for WWW:II.

I’ll be posting an official Kickstarter update over the weekend, but things are getting very close for WWW:II.

I’ll be posting an official Kickstarter update over the weekend, but things are getting very close for WWW:II. Gregor’s final essay text is the last piece of writing I’m waiting on. All the art is done. The initial layout is almost done. The cards are done (and I’m awaiting a second proof deck to confirm that they’re ready to order en masse). The shirts are done and in hand. Upper level rewards: the jackets are in process at LVAC, I need to kick off the mask-making process with Closet Champion, and I need to design and order Joe Zantek’s belt.

Unless something very unexpected comes up (which is always a possibility!) I should be able to at least order the first proof of the book by the end of the month.

If you want some inspiration for International Incident-related stuff, check out the WWE Cruiserweight Classic, btw. The way they’re presenting it as very sport-based and really focusing on the international backgrounds of the competitors is totally in tune with the tone of the supplement.

2 thoughts on “I’ll be posting an official Kickstarter update over the weekend, but things are getting very close for WWW:II.”

  1. Yes! Once everything is set with the printer I’ll start taking order through my website (tho those will wait to ship until after all the backer shipments go out).

    The book and the PDF will be available through my site (along with bundle deals). The PDF and the standalone card deck will be available through Drivethru.

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