Just ran a Paranoia one-shot using The Sprawl.

Just ran a Paranoia one-shot using The Sprawl.

Just ran a Paranoia one-shot using The Sprawl. It was hilariously awesome. I had the Service Groups act as the Corporations, Secret Societies as Threats, and gave each player directives for both. I started them out with no stats, and let them assign their attributes as they played. When they got an advance, they could buy a move from one of the playbooks. I re-fluffed cybernetics as mutations, and gave everyone a random one for “free”. Pretty much everything else fit perfectly.

It probably helps that I run my Paranoia games semi-seriously (if you are familiar the terms, about halfway between Classic and Straight/Dark). I think I might do a full blown campaign of it.

7 thoughts on “Just ran a Paranoia one-shot using The Sprawl.”

  1. Riley Crowder If I get some time over Thanksgiving Break, I’ll do up a little document on it. I have three school papers I’m supposed to be working on, though, so no promises.

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