Hey guys. I bought Masks a while back. I’m currently playing in two games, and loving it.

Hey guys. I bought Masks a while back. I’m currently playing in two games, and loving it.

Hey guys. I bought Masks a while back. I’m currently playing in two games, and loving it.

I had a quick question about the Bull Move:

Punch everyone: Whenever you charge into a

fight without hedging your bets, you can shift

your Danger up and any other Label down.

From my reading of this move, the shift is permanent, ie the Shift doesn’t reset after the fight. Am I reading that correctly?

10 thoughts on “Hey guys. I bought Masks a while back. I’m currently playing in two games, and loving it.”

  1. Yeppers. It can let the bull keep their danger high in case other stuff shifts it down as the move comes up a lot. If they are having trouble using it due to danger always being maxed then that means you or other players should be bumping it down more often.

  2. True. The Move makes a great motivator for the Bull to frequently go off half-cocked into battle.

    Keep in mind, though, having a high Danger carries its burden. It means that the woman you just rescued from a mugging may run away in fear instead of thanking you, or the young cop arriving at the scene might pull his gun and tell you to back off.

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