Quick question about, funnily enough, the only Origin book i hadn’t seen in play up until a player for my upcoming…

Quick question about, funnily enough, the only Origin book i hadn’t seen in play up until a player for my upcoming…

Quick question about, funnily enough, the only Origin book i hadn’t seen in play up until a player for my upcoming game decided they wanted to use it – The Deal.

The move “Need More, Give More” feels a little bit unclear in it’s intent. I understand that it’s a fictional thing you are giving up, in order to essentially “not have to” roll Push, and do something new. My question would be – does the new Power end up on the Powers Profile as a new entry? or is this meant as a one-and-done, more like the 7-9 on a Push. The wording itself doesn’t seem entirely clear on this.

2 thoughts on “Quick question about, funnily enough, the only Origin book i hadn’t seen in play up until a player for my upcoming…”

  1. I think it’s intentionally left unclear – it depends on what new power they’re trying to use, and what they’re giving up for it. If it makes sense in the fiction that the sacrifice should get them access to this new ability forever, let them put it on their sheet. If it is more of a Hail Mary situation – PC needs this power right now to save someone and are willing to pay any price for the entity they made a deal with – then it might be a one-and-done deal.

    Follow the fiction, and do what makes sense for the new deal they make in that moment. Figure out the motivations of the entity they’ve made the deal with – is it in the entity’s best interests for them to continue to have access to this new ability? Was the price they paid enough for the entity to consider the power bought in full, or only rented?

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