I am going to start to MC a campaign of Urban Shadows and the city we have chosen is Barcelona (Catalonia).

I am going to start to MC a campaign of Urban Shadows and the city we have chosen is Barcelona (Catalonia).

I am going to start to MC a campaign of Urban Shadows and the city we have chosen is Barcelona (Catalonia). I am having a tough time writing some interesting city movements. Is there a list where I can choose from, or could you give me some hints, ideas or examples of city movements you use in your campaign? I would be very grateful.

Any idea is welcome, thank you!

4 thoughts on “I am going to start to MC a campaign of Urban Shadows and the city we have chosen is Barcelona (Catalonia).”

  1. Must be something related to the city and the kind of game you want to play.

    For our campaign in Madrid I used the following: ” Reveal and old figure or plot. ¿Ally or threat? “

    I create it based in the story of the city as political center, and becuase i wanted to link current events with the past.

    Depends greatly in the mood of your game and your group.

    Its a very important business centre, you could go that way.

    Or you could use the political friction (i would avoid it unless all my group were of the same thought about it)

    Also, is a focal point for travels and commerce alike, so you could go the exotic way.

    Edit: (spanish) por si te sirve de algo te dejo los apuntes de mi partida: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tyR3Z6LXaU81JKYUAgUS7mLSocKduLeSxdTRT6fOwlQ/edit?usp=sharing

    Tiene facciones, agendas de las facciones, personajes, …

    No es un ejemplo académico, pero quizás te de alguna idea.

  2. Thank you for your response. I will incorporate the political theme, but not the independence or anything like that, more in a local way, gentrification, tourism making some parts of the city unlivable, ocupation movement…

    Tus apuntes me serán muy de ayuda, gracias de nuevo!

  3. Here’s how I did it: I picked 3 things my city is known for and gave them occult significance. I set my game in Seattle, so one thing was coffee. So there was a coffee truce between occult factions, where they’d meet at Starbucks.

    Then you can just attach occult significance and some custom moves to notable locations like Sagrada Familia, and encourage the players to do the same. You get the best stuff from your players!

  4. The Daniel response are a great form of asign a move.

    For expample: In own campaign in zaragoza, we put the “winds of change” in reference at Cierzo.

    the people also says that ALL MUST HAVE A CRAPPY AIR: This is a small city / big town, not a really big city. Cause of that, all factions and shadows have a fargo-like crappy style.

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