Having played Mask yesterday with T.

Having played Mask yesterday with T.

Having played Mask yesterday with T. Franzke and others, I realized that I didn’t use my playbook moves once. That was a remarkable compared to the campaign I’ve joined as a player: In MotW using playbook moves is pretty much all I do.

Have you made similar observations? How do other PbtA games compare? Whatdo you think are the reasons for these differences? How does this affect gameplay?

9 thoughts on “Having played Mask yesterday with T.”

  1. If I dont go aggro in Apocalypse World, I am probably doing it wrong.

    Don’t get me wrong, though, I really meant me.

    And I am probably tunring someone on or shutting him down in every other scenes in Monsterhearts…

  2. I think that’s totally fine. I tend to aim my play towards making specific moves in PbtA games as a general thing, though, because those tend to be what get you advances etc.

  3. They’re things in the utility belt. When I play online, everyone sees everyone’s character spreadsheet, so they can prompt other ppl to use their moves. (“I bet you’re Dazzling a Crowd, aren’t you Star?”)

  4. Coming back to my original point: A lot of Masks Playbook Moves are very specific to a certain situation. A lot of AW or MotW moves are general tools you can use in a lot of different situations. Masks Moves are not like that so they are used less.

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