Worked on a couple more playbook ideas that could use some workshopping.

Worked on a couple more playbook ideas that could use some workshopping.

Worked on a couple more playbook ideas that could use some workshopping.

The first is called “The Normal” and is more of a variant to the Beacon. It’s focused on the powerlessness aspect and as teen, trying to do more even if you’re not special in any way.

The second is called “The Sponsored” and is focused on what teenagers sacrifice in order to fit in and stay part of a group. Their abilities need constant maintenance from a third-party that has their own agenda.

Let me know what you guys think. Would love some opinions as I’m still new at this.

4 thoughts on “Worked on a couple more playbook ideas that could use some workshopping.”

  1. I like the normal. Honestly the first advance I would take is to take the outsider’s Kirby craft move , which could be lots of fun. A few things I noticed:

    I think the wording of ” one good turn” is a little wonky, does it mean you have to be holding two to use it?

    Also I like “some sacrifice required” but wonder how it fits with defend. To differentiate the two maybe make it so that it can be done post roll but the Normal must respond as if the hit was a 10 plus? They have no powers and snare literally throwing themselves to potential death. The normal can then choose to give the person they sacrificed for a plus one forward or two options from the defend list? I don’t know, but Ideally like the fiction it could generate.

    Also I really quite like I know you can do this because I can’t. Fee like it really fits with this type of character.

    I think the sponsored needs more work but I also like the concept there. Right now it isn’t as fleshed out as the normal I think. Maybe have more of a commitment thing like the Janus responsibilities they have to roll at the beginning of the session? Also two of the sponsored moves are not complete. I think this one could be very cool

  2. Thank you so much for your feedback. I made some adjustments to improve the areas you mentioned and hope this improves the playbook overall.

    I’m still mulling over changes to the sponsored. My central problem is differentiating it from the Janus, while sharing some of its themes. Needs more thought, to be sure….

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