We’re playing World Wide Wrestling by Nathan Paloetta in late April!

We’re playing World Wide Wrestling by Nathan Paloetta in late April!

We’re playing World Wide Wrestling by Nathan Paloetta in late April! A few player spots are open for anyone willing to spend a few Friday’s in spandex with the Stories & Dice crew!

Originally shared by Michael Siebold

Tampa, Florida 1989

Under the bright lights in stadiums and arenas across the world, in front of the roaring masses and the unblinking eyes of national television, the superstars of wrestling hold court. The likes of Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, “Macho Man” Randy Savage, Jake ‘the Snake” Roberts and Ted DiBiase reign supreme. These men are kings.

A king you are not.

In cramped school gymnasiums, muggy community centers and backlot venues you put in the work. The real work. This is the grind. The lights aren’t as bright. The crowds aren’t as loud. The checks – don’t always clear. But to a man, the hunger is real. Grab a mic. Step into the square circle. Put on a show for those damn kids. And you too can have a taste of the life of those superstars a world away.

Two-hour sessions, Friday night at 9pm EST for three consecutive weeks. Playing via Roll20 with Hangouts for comms Stories & Dice community members have first priority., so come check us out. Everyone is welcome.

Please reply to all Events you’re attending:

Session 2 https://plus.google.com/events/cp8vcvc9rogtcf2bkpl15cf9eks?authkey=CJSO362797ixrAE

Session 3 https://plus.google.com/events/cp3rnf59glkt3nv6i46fkgrbsks?authkey=CKj4mPfK4L7p0wE
