This is a draft of my current project: a “GM’s playbook”.

This is a draft of my current project: a “GM’s playbook”.

This is a draft of my current project: a “GM’s playbook”. It will be part of my quick-start pack for DW. The objective is to compile useful references on GMing (agenda, principles, moves) along with practical advice for building a first session collaboratively, including populating a dungeon with challenges.

I still have a bit of empty space to fill, and I’m cool on the layout as it stands right now. Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated. What would you find helpful to have on hand in a first session with new players?

2 thoughts on “This is a draft of my current project: a “GM’s playbook”.”

  1. Peter J this looks great! Something that I like to keep handy when I’m GMing is this paragraph from chapter 13:

    Dungeon World adventures never presume player actions. A Dungeon World adventure portrays a setting in motion—someplace significant with creatures big and small pursuing their own goals. As the players come into conflict with that setting and its denizens, action is inevitable.

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