Sorry to keep spamming the board with questions but me and my players couldnt find an answer in the book

Sorry to keep spamming the board with questions but me and my players couldnt find an answer in the book

Sorry to keep spamming the board with questions but me and my players couldnt find an answer in the book

For the general bonds (other players, NPC’s , City and Law enforcement) is the maximum amount 3 and the minimum -3 ?

And is there any guidelines for what -1 to -3 actually means in terms of actions and behaviors people might display (same thing for +1 to +3). I’ve not been able to find anything on that.

One thought on “Sorry to keep spamming the board with questions but me and my players couldnt find an answer in the book”

  1. There aren’t any limits for specific Bonds, just a limit on the total positive number they can have.

    There aren’t hard and fast guidelines for what a negative number vs. a positive number might look like because there isn’t an assumed setting really either. It’ll depend on the game you’re running and the tone you want at the table. Negative is unfavourable, but that’ll look different whether you’re in New York City, the Mojoverse, in a Days of the Future Past type setting, or playing a street level game.

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