I’m considering making a Hack of Apocalypse World called Feudal World.

I’m considering making a Hack of Apocalypse World called Feudal World.

I’m considering making a Hack of Apocalypse World called Feudal World. It would be a straight medieval setting, where the players play key Individuals in their medieval society. The Apocalypse System is built around scarcity, what could be more scarce than the Middle Ages.

I have some playbook concepts in mind.

The Landholder – A cross between the Hardholder and the Man from Sagas of the Icelanders. They will probably own everything in the area.

The Divine – Essentially the Hocus or perhaps the Godi from Sagas. They possess a following, whether it’s some lay brothers of their order or the villagers of their congregation.

The Cavalier (working name) – the primary fighting playbook of the game. Can be flavoured as the Landholder’s loyal Retainer or as a mercenary or as an independent out for himself. Sort of cross between the Gunlugger, the Chopper and the Huscarl.

That’s what I have solid ideas on at this point. What do you think? If there’s interest I will continue to explore this idea.

11 thoughts on “I’m considering making a Hack of Apocalypse World called Feudal World.”

  1. This is meant to be more of a Historical setting than a low-Fantasy one. I’ve been reading a great deal about England under Norman Rule lately and that’s sort of what inspired this.

  2. Maciej Starzycki Thanks I took a look at some of the moves from it. They seem pretty solid. I may want to adjust some things for just a straight medieval campaign though.

  3. Phillip Ribbink Be sure to pay close attention to how to armed combat is ruled (ranges and all), I think that best ruleset for arms on this level of details, that I’ve seen.

  4. Sounds interesting. One thing to think about is what do you need for the genre? Like, for me, historical fiction about medieval England isn’t really about scarcity. Do you really want to emphasize that? Don’t just copy from AW.

  5. I think it would be useful to define the specific period you intend to explore with this game. Medieval society was not static and post conquest Norman England has quite different themes to the War of the Roses period.

    Read more – it will inspire you. Fallen Empires is a good starting point, and Saga of the Icelanders handles ‘magic’ in a way that is not overtly supernatural and might suit your goal to create a more historical feeling game. Good luck 🙂

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