Hi guys!
Is there any of you with a nifty idea how to keep track of Debts between players? I’m thinking about using tokens with names on them or something, but would seriously love to avoid having the players simply write down the Debts, as they are quite lazy and tend to forget stuff like that.
Tokens are visible, which emphasizes using them actively.
I would love to hear your ideas, thoughts and experiences.
Not US, but when I run Masks, I track Influence with poker chips that match the player’s dice.
So, Red Dice has Red Chips, and when someone gets Influence, they hand over a Red Chip. Red Dice player can see whose opinions they care about (aka who has Influence over them), and everyone else can see at a glance who they have Influence over.
Could do something similar with Debt, I imagine.
Actual money – coins would make it cool I think. Like chips but with a more debt like atmosphere
I used a relationship map in Roll20, but you can do it on a sheet of paper. Put an image or just a circle with a name down for each character. Any two characters that have a relationship, draw lines between them. If one side holds a debt in that relationship, make a mark on that line near them. You may end up with crazy things like three marks on one side and two on the other, for really complex situations.
Super idea Aaron Griffin! Will you share an example with me? (I’m very visual.)
It looks like shit on my phone, so I can’t give you a good representation. What I can give you is mockup I made in Google Slides (not for a real game)
Thanks a million Aaron Griffin!