Thinking about handing out, some adult heroes for a scene or two. Has anyone done this? How would you do it?

Thinking about handing out, some adult heroes for a scene or two. Has anyone done this? How would you do it?

Thinking about handing out, some adult heroes for a scene or two. Has anyone done this? How would you do it?

6 thoughts on “Thinking about handing out, some adult heroes for a scene or two. Has anyone done this? How would you do it?”

  1. Yeah, just write their name and a few notes on an index card. Remember that NPCs in Masks don’t have stats and all adults have Influence over all teenagers.

  2. Yeah. Splitting the team and having them sidekicking a hero because $threat.

    So, note on index cards, reminder to have them label shift, focussing a stat like the Protegés mentor. I think, that might work:


    There is more to being a superhero than action and image. There are rules in the cape community, among heroes and villains, teams and rogues. When you tutor a hero as Tigress, point out proper and improper behavior.

    Once tutoring is done and they have listened, they take influence on you and may persuade with best interests once.


    There is more to being a cape than the public might suspect. There are secrets locked away because of danger, shame or for keeping the peace. When you tutor a hero as Aesop, point out how everyone is powerful in their own way and how actions have consequences.

    Once tutoring is done and they have listened, they take influence on you and may empathize once.


    There is more to being a parahuman than the power and adoration. Para- means aside. You stand aside humanity now. When you tutor a hero as Vividrix, point out how they are not human anymore. They are not necessarily better or worse, but certainly different.

    Once tutoring is done and they have listened, they take influence on you and may wield their powers gracefully once.

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