I’m a little confused about the lifestyle and gigs at the start of play section.

I’m a little confused about the lifestyle and gigs at the start of play section.

I’m a little confused about the lifestyle and gigs at the start of play section.

At the beginning of the first session, have everyone make the lifestyle move, but tell them that in session one they have to pay 1-barter.

So they can’t choose not to pay?

Can they choose to pay 2?

12 thoughts on “I’m a little confused about the lifestyle and gigs at the start of play section.”

  1. they can choose to pay 2 for a fancier lifestyle. they also can choose to not pay but if they do not pay they have to convince someone else to pay for them (or find another way to cover it) or they risk d-harm.

    there are also several playbooks that forego having to do this, most notably the hardholder and the maestro ‘d.

  2. The reason for the rule is this: at the beginning of session 1, especially for new players and a new MC, you don’t have a solid basis for a decision. You haven’t established what a 1-barter lifestyle is vs a 2-barter lifestyle and you haven’t established your characters’ positions in the local scene. The MC’s questions for you if you choose to spend 0 don’t make sense.

    But the problem isn’t that you can’t choose, it’s that it doesn’t matter what you choose, and so spending any time on the decision at all is too much time. An unnecessary hitch when you’re trying to get play underway.

    If you’ve played together before, you might be able to look ahead, and thus might have a basis for a decision after all. In that case, of course you can feel free to have the players spend as normal. Technically speaking, this’d be a custom move, and absolutely no problem at all.

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