My Witch just devised a new Hex as an advancement.

My Witch just devised a new Hex as an advancement.

My Witch just devised a new Hex as an advancement. It was mainly to keep in touch with her girlfriend three states away, but since dark magic can’t be THAT positive, the hex had to be a weapon of some sort.

Hot Flash

You caress the victim’s mind and whisper salacious thoughts that cause them to become uncontrollably aroused. They get the Condition Incredibly Horny. If the target is consenting, this hex doesn’t inflict the Condition and can instead allow an astral sexual intercourse between you and them, at a distance. They will fully remember it, and will recognize you as the astral figure who made love to them. This astral intercourse doesn’t trigger your Sex Move, nor the target’s.

5 thoughts on “My Witch just devised a new Hex as an advancement.”

  1. I can see a few ways to surprise a player with this on a 7-9 result and “weird side-effect”. For example, turns out that the target character or npc fancies them. So they make contact to make them horny and wreck havoc in their life, and the MC just lay on them how the connexion coalesces into full-fledged lovemaking that the victim will remember even if the PC scrambles to sever the astral link. And the target clearly remembers it was the Witch. Will the player be able to weasel out of it and say it must have been a dream ?

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