Can anyone recommend their favorite name generator?

Can anyone recommend their favorite name generator?

Can anyone recommend their favorite name generator?

I’m looking for one that allows you to generate modern (for MotW), si-fi (for Uncharted Worlds), and/or fantasy (for Dungeon World). The last to are for when I try those games out.

I’d like to see a lot of names that I can copy into a word DOC, print out, and refer to during my upcoming attempt to run a MotW game.

12 thoughts on “Can anyone recommend their favorite name generator?”

  1. There are a lot out there, but one fun thing we did when I ran it was to grab the Dungeon World book (if you have it) and randomly pick to one of the kickstarter backers. There are many people out there that have no idea the weird things I have done in their name.

  2. It’s not a generator, per se, but I’m partial to Gary Gygax’s Extraordinary Book of Names. I also believe EVERY GM should have at least one baby names book in their collection. If I’m just whipping something up on the fly, I generally like Behind the Name or Kate Monk’s – KateMonk

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