Hello everyone.

Hello everyone.

Hello everyone. I had a player mention a great idea for a mystery. I am looking for follow up ideas. Her player is a crooked and the person that was A former contact is a werewolf that her crime family held for illegal fights. He escaped and injured her on the way out and is looking to cause her trouble.

So the mystery idea is “Monster Fight Club”. That is a cool idea. But how to implement it? Looking for some cool things to throw at them.

6 thoughts on “Hello everyone.”

  1. Monster Fight Club doesn’t sound like a mystery really. It sounds like the setting AROUND the mystery. Someone has to die, get robbed, or similar, perhaps AT the fights, in order to make it a mystery

  2. I love it, especially the unwilling and illegal angle. It’s something that really puts pressure on the PCs, because the monsters have been undoubtedly wronged, so do you free them and promise to deal with them if they cause more trouble? Do you take them down with the evil people who have used the monsters like dogs? There’re a lot of questions that as an MC I would love to see answered through play.

    You can start with the idea that one of these forced-fighters escaped and either killed or caused damage, but was in the end killed itself. There are evidence of a long history of scarring and broken bones that set off warnings that lead the PCs to find these hidden fights.

    Or if they’ve been capturing monsters for a while (say, with the professional’s agent’s live-capture policy), then perhaps the dead monster they come across is one they captured a while back that has been sold into one of these fighting organizations.

    Damn. So many possibilities. I really like this.

  3. The three players are the crooked, the expert and the professional. So lots of ties with contacts and the crooked’s family is a mafia style thing too. So, love the live capture and they want to HELP the monsters but it brings them in contact with a wide variety which will be different. So I am curious where the players motives and actions take them.

  4. One of the mafia family cousins screwed up, let one of their fighters get out, and asks the PC family member for help catching it (or killing it) before it causes too big of a problem going on a rampage. He really doesn’t want the rest of the family to find out he screwed up.

    The monster that got out is badass when cornered, but really just wants to be left alone. Any breadcrumbs leading the PCs to where she is are just because people got in her way, not because she was actually looking to hurt anyone. In fact, if they’re paying close attention, the scenes where she felt trapped and needed to kick-ass out of a corner show huge amounts of devastation and yet the people she went up against are not dead. She could have easily ripped heads off and strolled on by, but she’s managing her monster.

    They find her, and she’s completely not threatening, unless they go in guns blazing in which case she’ll defend herself. She’ll tell them about the illegal monster-fights, and what she did with the cousin to escape. If they seem like they’re sympathetic to her and are going to let her go, the cousin will attack. He needs her back in the cage or the mafia family will do bad things to him…

    Either in the escape or in this fight, the cousin gets infected with whatever it is that makes her a monster. Now do the PCs take him out? Turn him over to the family to fight in their arena? Help him and the other monster get out of dodge?

    Do they take on the family and shut down the fighting arena or leave it alone?

    If they take it down, what happens to all the monsters currently being held and forced to fight?

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