8 thoughts on “Quick: Is Nightwing bi? Long story!”

  1. Canon has no evidence that confirms or denies the possibility, so a solid maybe if you are going Strictly off what out there in official material. Though if you look at Nightwing in most Fanfics, then Yes, Yes he is.

  2. As a long time Nightwing fan I would say no he has not displayed any attraction with the same gender. However, I don’t see any reason why you couldn’t portray him as bi in your own version of him.

  3. I always saw him as straight, though extremely comfortable about his sexuality so he has no issues joking around and making the odd comment. It might actually have come up during his Solo series with Midnighter.

    If you want some Batman characters that are Bi you can look at Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, Bluebird…..though only male character thats Bisexual that comes to mind is Catman and Constantine.

  4. Christopher Hatty It’s the Grayson solo series where Dick Grayson went undercover as a spy. It turns out that you didn’t need detective skills comparable to Tim Drake’s to figure out Dick’s identity, you just need to learn where to look.

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