I’d be curious about different groups’ use of the team moves.

I’d be curious about different groups’ use of the team moves.

I’d be curious about different groups’ use of the team moves. In our adventure, these tend (as far as I can tell) to be the least used moves for all of us—partially because a number of us players don’t feel that much of a yen for the effects of the move.

We wind up sharing celebrations/revealing weaknesses and deliberately not triggering the moves a lot of the time, so I’d like to head from folks who really enjoy them.

Do people have good stories about times a team move was awesome?

Do GMs have ways they’ve sharpened their players’ need for them?

9 thoughts on “I’d be curious about different groups’ use of the team moves.”

  1. They certainly are the rarest for us too. I’d reckon one in 4h if play. When they do, they tend to multitrigger (^^). I think one time, the players where just talking, and when they were done, I pointed out they had apperently triggered three moves.

    Remember that Comfort basically asks you to Reveal A Weakness.

  2. The triumphant celebration ones get used at least once per session. The share vulnerability ones, less so. I’m not really super concerned if they don’t get used, but most of them have good enough benefits that it is worth the players time to invoke them. But perhaps it’s worth the GMs time to explicitly point them out.

  3. Well, in the team that I’m GMing one or two player used in no more than 2 occasions. Sometimes because fiction don’t Let them (my fault) do it. And in all the cases used a triumphant celebration not the share vulnerability. It’s our first game together and for almost all the team also the first time in Masks and PBTA so I don’t think that was a very really important thing to implement right know (I do more focus on end session moves o playbook moves and influence)

    In other hand the team is not very communicative to each other so is more or less natural that not trigger moves involving being really open hearthed with the others. (We have 2 alien beings and a laboratory rat teen so I thing a good interpretation of characters being like that)

  4. Oh man we use these moves all the time. Celebrations have lead to making out, to starting arguments, choosing new team leaders… Weaknesses have lead to making out, destroying someone’s self-esteem, and accidentally pushing someone into doing some supervillainy. Team Moves are the absolute best and should be triggered at every opportunity the crew is partying, or someone is making themselves super vulnerable.

  5. Very early on, and again more recently. Everyone crashed the Outsider’s apartment with ice cream and chips to watch news coverage of their most recent victory back in session 1 or 2, and more recently everyone crashed their rival school’s homecoming and danced, spiked the punch bowl, and got high in the library. It was revelry as far as the eye could see.

  6. Troy Ray You’re correct. Rules as written, moves trigger, you don’t get a say in whether or not they do. There’s room for debate (eg, “is this really a celebration?” “can you really defend against this?” Etc) but by and large you have to honor what is happening in the fiction, and always trigger the appropriate move.

    To not do so is, technically, breaking the rules — or, if made clear to everyone, a form of custom move to hack the game.

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