And so it came to pass that after my group managed to thwart the driverless cars, that they’ve realized that the …

And so it came to pass that after my group managed to thwart the driverless cars, that they’ve realized that the …

And so it came to pass that after my group managed to thwart the driverless cars, that they’ve realized that the thing that they’re calling “spider-eye,” which my notes name “the Hexarcanid,” is behind the problems, both with the love-roach-machine and these old cars (and one airplane).

There are problems, though. First, the thing strides around Miami on legs like hundred-foot long hexagonal columns covered top-to-bottom with strange glyphs. Second, it’s invisible.

As cleanup from the previous investigation and preparation for eventually dealing with the Hexarcanid—the two are clearly not equivalent, but the way they’re being handled here will intertwine them—they’ve engaged the following forces:

• A real estate agent

• An aura photographer

• A scrying circle down in Key West

• The self-named “Coven of Tomorrow”

• The local enclave of vampires

I’m wondering if I should cross-post this to the Fiasco community, because that may be where this is headed.