When people are picking Landmarks, is there any real guidance on whether those Landmarks should be inside or outside…

When people are picking Landmarks, is there any real guidance on whether those Landmarks should be inside or outside…

When people are picking Landmarks, is there any real guidance on whether those Landmarks should be inside or outside of the “homeland” area? It’s assumed that anything inside the Homeland area is known/explored, right?

One thought on “When people are picking Landmarks, is there any real guidance on whether those Landmarks should be inside or outside…”

  1. Well, anything inside the homeland is safe to travel between, but it can still contain mysteries. I’ve found it’s often best to define which area is the homeland once the map is drawn – and remember it can even have pockets of wasteland within it! Where the players put down opportunities or threats helps define how resource-rich and safe the homeland is.

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