Quick question:

Quick question:

Quick question:

I know you can jack in without using a neutral interface, but can you jack in without a cyberdeck?

The Tech in my game recently got a cyberdeck and took the jack in move so it probably wouldn’t be an issue but we had a lengthy discussion about the matrix and this was an unanswered question.

From the book:

Cyberdecks transform the Matrix’s signals into neural impulses and vice versa. They also provide the platform from which a hacker runs programs on corporate sub-systems and ICE. The cyberdeck is the interface between the Matrix and the user. Every signal between the user and the Matrix passes through the cyberdeck. If the deck gets fried or destroyed, that communication route is broken and the user is disconnected.

14 thoughts on “Quick question:”

  1. I toyed with the idea that you could, in theory, hack with a cell phone. It would basically be a 0 rating cyber deck. But for setting reasons, not rules reasons, I abandoned it.

  2. So in the book it says you can hack without a neural interface at -1 instead of relevant stats. And then says

    “The Matrix Moves cover unauthorised use of secured computer systems. They can only be used by users who are jacked in to the Matrix.”

    I’m assuming this was meant to be “only be used by users who are logged in to the Matrix.”

  3. That might have been my thought, although ultimately, it’s up to you and your table. How exactly does the Matrix work in your Sprawl?

    I don’t think it’s actually come up at my table in the last (checks watch) 5+ years.

  4. Jon Lemich

    Micro usb to neural interface adapter?

    Well ok, so what if you could just plug in to a computer in a building?

    I’m just not really sure how hacking would work without a deck because it seems like

    A) you have absolutely no protection (which could be fun)

    B)You could only use the matrix moves but no access to programs

  5. Hamish Cameron

    So my conceptualization of the matrix is fairly standard. Internet of the future type stuff.

    I don’t have anything against not using a deck I just think it’s probably a bad idea for the user.

    But I can totally envision a scene in which the hacker, after his deck has been destroyed thus forcing him out, runs to the nearest land line or terminal and physically connects to the matrix itself with no intermediary.

    The Tech has remote control module so maybe he’d be able to interface wirelessly with an available router?

  6. Well my old idea was could you run a cloud-based attack program or virus off a cell phone. No neural interface. Today, you can do this sort of thing. But it’s sort of abandoning some cool cyberpunk tropes to do that.

  7. Jon Lemich To me that seems like outsourcing, which is totally something you could do, but it doesn’t feel like you’re the hacker in that situation. More like hit the streets to get a program to hit a certain matrix node on command or at a specific time. Maybe even hiring a hacker to write the program for you but you’ll have to spend cred to get a hacker with a sense of professional integrity

  8. Infiltrator only gets jack in if they start with a Neural Interface. Presumably they would then take the Infiltration Deck from the gear list if they want to play as a hacker-type.

  9. Anthony Williams

    “I’m just not really sure how hacking would work without a deck because it seems like A) you have absolutely no protection (which could be fun)

    B)You could only use the matrix moves but no access to programs”

    Well… yeah!

    If you only need to hack through a door for example, you might not care about maintaining control of the door indefinitely or accessing any other nodes, etc. The consequences for not doing a perfect hack are you get detected or shut out, etc. (similar to a lot of the other non hacker moves).

    It could be used to put the rest of the players out of their misery; where they would usually wait for the Hacker to roll 3-4 times just to get through a single door…

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