This is a preview of the rules of a high-fantasy PbtA game I’ve been working on, called Land of the God-kings.

This is a preview of the rules of a high-fantasy PbtA game I’ve been working on, called Land of the God-kings.

This is a preview of the rules of a high-fantasy PbtA game I’ve been working on, called Land of the God-kings. This preview introduces the basic moves, the concept of Armies and Followers, the Primal, Immortal, Monarch, and Shadow playbooks, and well as the Monster and Martial follower playbooks. Any feedback would be appreciated. Enjoy!

3 thoughts on “This is a preview of the rules of a high-fantasy PbtA game I’ve been working on, called Land of the God-kings.”

  1. Looks rad. Page 5 has a formatting issue, it popped a single line onto one page by itself. I like the naming range, sounds like this with that, plus example. Interested

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