Initiate – Mentor move – miss condition – how to?

Initiate – Mentor move – miss condition – how to?

Initiate – Mentor move – miss condition – how to?

“On a miss, your question causes trouble.”

My player has a mentor that is somewhere else, so contact will be through a phone, I have no idea how to apply miss condition in an interesting way. Please give me some examples of what would you have done?

Should I work with the player for mentor to be more directly involved or that contact should be more personal or maybe more mystic like though meditation or something?

One thought on “Initiate – Mentor move – miss condition – how to?”

  1. I’d do it like asking this question makes life harder for the Mentor himself. Like if the initiate had already failed their good standing roll at the start, the mentor could get into trouble for even talking to them.

    Or maybe the information is something that the sect doesn’t like taking about so you can add story hints here.

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