Now here is a question concerning monsters.

Now here is a question concerning monsters.

Now here is a question concerning monsters. While the main monster of a game can easily be built by using the normal monster generation rules, what if you’re dealing with a situation with a master monster and a bunch of lesser monsters working under him/her/it. For instance say for instance say you have an ancient vampire who turns a number of girls around town into his “Vampire Brides”. The brides should likely be weaker than the Master Vampire but probably more dangerous than a Minion. This also could apply to other cases where a Demon might have a cult of dark priests who get supernatural gifts or a Voodoo priest raising a horde of zombies.

The way I’ed do it is basically grab an appropriate hunter template (such as the Monstrous), pick some appropriate generic moves (but working them like Monster Powers) and there you go instant tough monster minion. As for harm, should the lesser monsters have as much harm as the PC’s have (Aka 7 harm capacity), or should they be one-hit kills?

2 thoughts on “Now here is a question concerning monsters.”

  1. Minions aren’t necessary weak, they’re just motivated to serve the monster.

    If you want a tough minion, just make it up as normal, but tough. Minions can have powers and weaknesses just like a monster when needed.

    With regard to harm, allocate their capacity based on the minion. Some can be easy to kill, others tough.

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