I will be starting up my first game of Epyllion soon.   What do people use to draw on the map of Dragonia online?  …

I will be starting up my first game of Epyllion soon.   What do people use to draw on the map of Dragonia online?  …

I will be starting up my first game of Epyllion soon.   What do people use to draw on the map of Dragonia online?   Is there a preferred easy to setup whiteboard (or something like that) tool out that that you would recommend?

3 thoughts on “I will be starting up my first game of Epyllion soon.   What do people use to draw on the map of Dragonia online?  …”

  1. Welcome to the game Will, hope you have a great time once you start it.

    I think Google Drawing is a pretty decent tool to work in digital map. There are many other “professional” looking programs, but I dont think it’s necessary.

    I ended up creating a new continent for the adventures, and while draconia remains an island, there is a continent a glide away filled with many many undiscovered secrets.

    And I ended up doing it by hand in an old sketch book I hadn’t used in quite some time. Somehow, I felt a dragon’s game had to have a hand-made map. That’s one aspect I loved from being a GM, and it’s been a while since I had to draw a map for the world of a game.

    Just my own personal experience, of course. I have seen digital maps that are extremely nice and perfect as handouts to players.

  2. I just finished my second session (more like a session 1 part 2) since this group only has 2 hours each time due to schedule commitments.   It has been a blast both because I am finally getting my youngest daughter into the hobby BUT my wife has joined me for the first time.   

    Tonight’s session was  a blast.  I still need to ask more questions and trigger more moves but the players had fun so that is what counts. 🙂

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