Testing the waters, so to speak.

Testing the waters, so to speak.

Testing the waters, so to speak.

I’ve been both a wrestling fan and a roleplayer for over thirty years and I think I have a good enough grasp on both to maybe make for someone who might be decent at being Creative.

So, if I were to try to put something together… most likely to be played on Skype, or Discord, or possibly Roll20… how many people from here could I possibly get interested in giving it a shot?

So, I’ve had the game books and all the PDFs and stuff for quite some time but as yet I’ve NEVER been able to get…

So, I’ve had the game books and all the PDFs and stuff for quite some time but as yet I’ve NEVER been able to get…

So, I’ve had the game books and all the PDFs and stuff for quite some time but as yet I’ve NEVER been able to get anyone to play.

It’s kind of disheartening.

I’d love to play.