I have been asked to run a 1:1 oneshot, or short story arc Space Opera.

I have been asked to run a 1:1 oneshot, or short story arc Space Opera.

I have been asked to run a 1:1 oneshot, or short story arc Space Opera… think The Expanse, Gskactica, I was told it didn’t need to be Star Wars.

Can I get recommendations for PbtA games? Please remember one GM, one player -so lots of inter party strings/debit/connections won’t work…


www.Neonri.com is looking for GMs

www.Neonri.com is looking for GMs

www.Neonri.com is looking for GMs

This year’s theme is late 20th century Retrofuturism (think but not limited to; Cyberpunk, Satanic Panic, Tales from the loop, retro tabletop gaming, and of course Monsterhearts because it rocks!). If you run games in other genres we love you too and will schedule you, but we do want to promote this years theme.

Please submit an event at http://www.neonri.com/index.php/contact/guest-event-form You will receive a GM badge for everyday to volunteer 4 hours or more, and access to the volunteer lounge.

Questions? eveangelpenshar@gmail.com @AngelPenshar

I got the OK to showcase indi/story games at our next TempleCon.

I got the OK to showcase indi/story games at our next TempleCon.

I got the OK to showcase indi/story games at our next TempleCon. I am very excited, but also sober to the fact that this going to be A LOT of work. I plan on using the Games On Demand model: not only in format, but most importantly in it’s ethos of openness, inclusion, collaboration and welcoming.

I’m exhilarated that both I and most important Templecon are fully committed to making this be the best it can be.

More to come.

I got the OK to showcase indi/story games at our next TempleCon.

I got the OK to showcase indi/story games at our next TempleCon.

I got the OK to showcase indi/story games at our next TempleCon. I am very excited, but also sober to the fact that this going to be A LOT of work. I plan on using the Games On Demand model: not only in format, but most importantly in it’s ethos of openness, inclusion, collaboration and welcoming.

I’m exhilarated that both I and most important Templecon are fully committed to making this be the best it can be.

More to come.

I could use some help at some point.

I could use some help at some point.

I could use some help at some point… My game shop is interested in running a game of this. I picked up a copy of the game, but this is just really different than what I am used to running. I have read the rules, listened to podcasts, and watched youtubes. I’m having problems seeing how the different components fit together.

Are there any GMs in the Boston/Providence area, I’m happy to buy beer at the pub if you can walk me through the flow of the game. Or anyone have time to meet on google hangouts or roll20 for 30-60, minutes?