Is there a way to train recruits to a follower with expertise?

Is there a way to train recruits to a follower with expertise?

Is there a way to train recruits to a follower with expertise?

Intuitively this is what recruits are for, but I could find anything in the book that references it.

I understand I could Just follow the fiction, but I feel like there should be a cost but the surpluses don’t seem to me to correlate to training. Maybe surplus progress could fit.

Hey all

Hey all

Hey all,

I was thinking of starting a game on roll20 and noticed there wasn’t a sheet. So I’m planning in making one.

I’m thinking of using the Sprawl sheet as a basis, but I’d love to feedback from the group at large.

Few things I plan on doing different:

Tabs, navigating the sprawl sheet is pretty cumbersome in game.

Textbox for adding forward, because pop-ups are a sin.

What is the general feeling of the image boxes for rolls? The added height clutters up the chat window a good bit. White space is important, but there’s a time and a place.

I’d like a more available notes section in the character sheet, probably it’s own tab.

Anything I’m missing?