I’ll be MCing The Sprawl starting this Sunday.

I’ll be MCing The Sprawl starting this Sunday.

I’ll be MCing The Sprawl starting this Sunday. One of the players is a Reporter. I’ve yet to play with a Reporter in the group and was wondering if anyone would mind sharing some of their experiences with the Reporter. What sort of things did you do for their Story and how did you work that into the missions (if at all). What’s the best ways to handle the Story and Noise clocks?

How do you handle non-lethal harm on both PCs and NPCs?

How do you handle non-lethal harm on both PCs and NPCs?

How do you handle non-lethal harm on both PCs and NPCs? Some weapons have the “s-harm” damage type. Do these sort of weapons do 0 Harm and just forces a harm roll? Does Armoured clothing/Synth Leathers still reduce that harm roll by 1? Also, would you all consider punching someone to be S-harm or 1-harm? 

Having played a few sessions of this I have a couple of questions.

Having played a few sessions of this I have a couple of questions.

Having played a few sessions of this I have a couple of questions. Please note I am working off of the v0.2 rules since those are the only full set of rules I have access to. I’m excited for the full release.

1. Gangs. How do they work? By that, I mean do they work like in Apocalypse World where they have a collective harm rating? Also, what is the general consensus on the level of firepower of a not “well armed” gang? This one is a lot more subjective and up to the group, but I’m curious how you all handle it.

2. What is the best way to handle fire fights? If the party is in a shoot out with multiple enemies, how do I handle Mix-It Up and applying harm to that group especially if no +area weapons are available? I’m probably thinking about fire fights wrong due to too many video game rpgs and D&D.

I feel like I had another question, but it is slipping my mind… 

One aspect of this game I’m struggling with is keeping the Legwork phase from becoming just a series of rolls.

One aspect of this game I’m struggling with is keeping the Legwork phase from becoming just a series of rolls.

One aspect of this game I’m struggling with is keeping the Legwork phase from becoming just a series of rolls. I make sure to keep things in fiction, but I feel like there isn’t a lot of opportunity for roleplaying and interaction between characters. The Mission phase is the most important part, but I’m looking for ways to spice up Legwork.

How do you all keep the legwork phase interesting and cool?