Hey all, with AW 2e being out for all intents and purposes, I have been getting hyped by watching a weird and…

Hey all, with AW 2e being out for all intents and purposes, I have been getting hyped by watching a weird and…

Hey all, with AW 2e being out for all intents and purposes, I have been getting hyped by watching a weird and wonderful play with a cool group. It has made me think of starting a game soon, with two distinct “settings” to lego onto with all the other players.

Mad Max Weird: All playbooks from 2e will be open. Make it work and we will build how the world died. Radioactive desert? Sure. Drag queen chopper gangs? Bring it. Post Apocalyptic Florida? Why not? Just make it fun.

Serenityverse: Apocalypse world…in space! The setting will be before Serenity the movie most likely and some playbooks will be restricted or open to vast rejiggering, it will follow the base scripture of Joss Whedon’s world except when it don’t exactly, gorram it.

I am thinking the game will be PBP on MW but I am also open to trying a Google Hangouts or Skype group once a week/twice a week or so. I will be up front and say it would be my first vocal game that way but I can give it a whirl I think.

Hello group, I have been flailing in the PbtA genre for around two years now and I have backed AW 2nd edition and,…

Hello group, I have been flailing in the PbtA genre for around two years now and I have backed AW 2nd edition and,…

Hello group, I have been flailing in the PbtA genre for around two years now and I have backed AW 2nd edition and, well, the Show has made me really want to test out the rules (curse you awesome bard!). I am willing to run a AW “1.5” game because I want to offer the Touchstone and some Limited Playbooks the ability to be played.

That said I want this to be PbP as I have some difficulty with Hangout/Skype games at the moment. I have a few ideas for the type of Apocalypse:

Serenityverse – The Whedon show. 20 years after the events of Serenity movie you will all be on a ship together during the death moans of the Alliance forces and the new governments taking over. Much excitement, much adventure, peri-apocalypse fun.

Steampunk – Girl Genius meets Gaiman lands. I watched a really bad steampunk movie and got inspired. I hope to run it with more plot than was in what I watched.

Duality – Neverwhere mixed with Persona I think. This one is more complex: You are a normal person who, somehow, has an alternative personality/persona (your Playbook). You will have one world (our everyday normal world) and the “apocalypse world” to deal with. I’d be liberally using the Advanced Fuckery chapter.

I am hopefully looking for a group of 3-6 and to take place on myth-weavers. I’m happy to answer questions, entertain nerditry, and discuss concepts.

An update from the PBP Villain Team MASKs game.

An update from the PBP Villain Team MASKs game.

An update from the PBP Villain Team MASKs game.

I finally got back into things after a pretty nasty car wreck earlier this year (had a player drop during that time) but man did we swing back into things hard.

The fun part of running a game for Villains is making enemies that are more evil than they are, forcing them to be anti-heroes as well as a group of people willing to do whatever they want. I came up with the Gaunt Creeper, a swaddled and bound villan(ness) who was so angry at the world for disfiguring them that all they wanted to do was spread their pain by subsonically triggering self-harm centers in the human body.

The Delinquent who is a cybernetic hacker mixed with Harley Quinn short circuited the sound system and pumped in battle music to hype the team up as the Janus used the Gaunt Creeper’s explosive entrance to summon a horde of cockroaches from the sewers to clear out the public due to squeamishness.

The Beacon and Protege directly engaged the new target and our new member (who so perfectly chose my homemade playbook “The Trainer”) used his demonic patrona to burn the costume off the Gaunt Creeper, exposing it to its own image as the Protege tapped and shared her neural networking to force the Gaunt Creeper to look at itself through her own eyes as she deviously slashed and struck at it. The Beacon sword fought the being with the lightsaber I had so kindly graced him with as a bonus for the new Star Wars release last year to scar the being even more.

Once it had been taken out, in true villain style, the Protege took leadership and put the Gaunt Creeper out of their misery and they are now super stars of Halcyon city…and the envy of many heroes who were caught off guard and busy saving the public.

I have never been prouder to be gut punched by my players and had great fun with their rolls and actions. I am even more proud to be able to create villains that are not super ultra mega neonazis to get the villains to want to save people as well as make their own mark on the City.

Next the villains are teaming up with their mentors and parents to delve into Halcyon City government vaults to break out the mcguffin for the Protege’s mentor (who, revitalized like Gadget Gal from the Awesomes has been hitting on the Janus in his hormonal teen self).

To my great players and many more awesome sessions!

Masks PBP Call in Volume 2: Bwahahaha!

Masks PBP Call in Volume 2: Bwahahaha!

Masks PBP Call in Volume 2: Bwahahaha!

Okay, playing these villains has been infuriating to me because they have made the right rolls at the right times with just enough of the wrong ones to stay interesting. So, basically, I suffer but I have enjoyed it. This was the first official team mission I based off of many of the troped “villains snatch something from a gala event” style thing to make the guys break into a nice formal event with a new emerald that can obviously power a super laser.

On the way there they blackmail a Tony-Starkesque businessman, defeat two heroines, and then make a surprise entrance that sent people running and the rest of the heroes on edge. They then demolished them in a nasty fashion before heading out. Kudos definitely to our Transformed who just plowed through people and our Beacon who discovered his courage.

Next up: Cape Convention Capers!

My game has gone through a few revisions.

My game has gone through a few revisions.

My game has gone through a few revisions. I no longer am going to be doing Alternative History which means I just needed to research what was. I will be opening the game up to applicants after my Thanksgiving week. Welcome to Urban Shadows: Mexico City!


Currently just accepting feedback for the homebrew, but I have a skeletal structure for applicants and characters to build on for when I get back from visiting family. I hope this game still excites people even without the alternative history. Game should be open to applications on Saturday the 28th.

Please note: Even with my homebrew I LOVE the main 10 archetypes. Seriously, the Veteran is probably my favorite archetype, period. Don’t feel you need to pander to me just because I am MC. Tell me my homebrew sucks and needs revised. Tell me it rocks but you won’t use it. Just play!

Well I spent most of the day working on the Bedlam.

Well I spent most of the day working on the Bedlam.

Well I spent most of the day working on the Bedlam. I’m not 100% happy with this one but I didn’t want to lock them into “just depressed,” “just bipolar,” or “just fuxxored by the fae” with their ideas. Here is what I currently have! The Bedlam is about altered perceptions and reactions to situations, and the more Corrupt they become the more likely they are to “snap” and rely upon violence and extreme psychosis to get their way. Song influences: “Die In a Fire” by The Living Tombstone, “100%” by Angelspit, and “So Down Low” by The Elwins.

The Bedlam


Blood 0 Heart -1 Mind +1 Spirit +1


Mortality +1 Night 0 Power 0 Wild 0

Get three of the following

Voices Aren’t My Own

At the beginning of the session roll Mind. On a 10+ Hold 2, on a 7-9 Hold 1, on a 6 or fewer the MC Holds 1. You may spend these Holds to gain an additional option on Mislead, Distract, or Trick or treat an NPC as belonging to your Faction on a Figure Someone Out roll. The MC may spend her/his Hold to take an option from those rolls from you or to lie to you.

Stop Picking on Me!

You may Unleash an Attack with Mind instead of Blood but if you choose this option you must always pick to Inflict Great Harm as one of your options.

Pessimistic Optimism

When someone Gets In Your Way of a roll you may choose to take -1 on your next roll to only let them give your roll -1.

Depressive Endorphins

When you roll to Let It Out you may choose to take 1 Harm instead of Marking Corruption.

Manic Monday

When you are giving moderate help from a Debt you may go above and beyond the call of duty to either clear an additional Debt or Carry 1 Forward to your helping.

I’ve Seen Worse

When you Investigate a Place of Power you get 2 questions to ask the MC.

Numb The Pain

When you Cash in a Debt you get a new option: Make them see things from your point of view. This can be reminding a Vampire of what it was to be mortal, making an Oracle feel your hopelessness, or however you roleplay it.

Corruption Moves

Scars Are Stories

You may Mark Corruption to ignore the effects of one of your Scars for a scene.

Know My Name

Do an example of great violence or weirdness to increase a Faction score by 1 for the Session and Mark Corruption.

Feel My Pain

You gain a new attack (1 Harm AP Intimate Natural) that makes you Mark Corruption every time you use it. In addition to the effects above you inflict a Scar on the opponent for a Scene if a PC or debilitate an NPC for a Session. This attack may be a gaze, spitting on someone, or touching them.

Pay It Forward

If you grievously harm or kill someone that is important to a PC or NPC you Mark Corruption and clear a Debt they have against you.

Corruption Move

Whenever you use violence to or emotionally drag someone down to your level of pain, Mark Corruption.

Intimacy Move

You and the partner you are able to choose a Move the other knows and use that move once in the Session. If you or they choose a Corruption Move you Mark Corruption as per usual.

End Move

Choose one PC and clear their Corruption Track or remove one of their Corruption Moves.

Okay, I have ideas for new Archetypes for each Faction, going to be bringing them in my game when I have it ready,…

Okay, I have ideas for new Archetypes for each Faction, going to be bringing them in my game when I have it ready,…

Okay, I have ideas for new Archetypes for each Faction, going to be bringing them in my game when I have it ready, but some feedback on the alpha versions will greatly be appreciated and will help me not make game breaking or game losing archetypes. The first up is THE MONGER, a Power based Factionite who levies great resources into superior power while being controlled by their job in ways no other person is.

Here are the Stats and Moves as I currently have them –

Blood -1, Heart +1, Mind +1, Spirit 0

Mortality 0, Night -1, Power +1, Wild +1

(Like the Veteran’s Workshop you get:)

The Monger’s Carnivale

You are known for being able to get one item better and more safely than anyone else in the City and can be called upon to get a few other items. What main item you can get can never be disrupted by the MC and you may only lose the others on a miss on your moves. Choose one item that you barter with as an expertise and two more that you can scrounge up on the reg:

Dreams, ephemera, drugs, tomes, blackmail, high-tech, weapons, ammunition, food, contracts, collectibles, music, sex, vacations, medicine, or animals.

Your main source is what you are a known Monger of. Ex: A Monger specializing in Dreams is a “Dreammonger” while one specializing in Blackmail is a “Secretmonger.”

Archetype Moves (Devil’s Due plus 2 More)

Devil’s Due

You are the only source of illicit goods or what you sell in the city. This brings a certain level of respect to you. You may offer up one of your goods to instantly gain a 12+ to Escape a Situation. If you are threatened you may spend a Debt you are owed to make the person who owes it to you show up in the scene and defend you.

Owned By the Hoard

Your job is more than a way of life, it is alive itself. You may automatically Refuse a Debt by giving your business 2 Debts on you. The MC may spend these debts normally or to require you to obtain something for your job. Your hoard is now sapient.

Does This Catch Your Eye?

You may offer someone an item in your possession or that you sell as if you were Cashing In a Debt to boost a Persuade an NPC roll. You must then give up this item or they gain a Debt on you.

Materialistic Triage

You may spend an entire day organizing, stocking, and otherwise renovating the store you work for or gathering an item for a Faction in order to heal 2 Harm done to you once a session per Faction. You may be given a Debt by another PC for them to gain the benefits of this Move as well.

Capitalist Animist

When someone offers to give you access to one of your chosen Carnivale items, you may roll Mind to Figure Someone Out and gain an additional 2 Questions, even on a miss, to read what they are trying to sell. The Questions for the item are as follows:

~ Is this Item their most prized example of Item?

~ Why are they willing to part with this Item right now?

~ Will accepting this Item put me or my store in danger?

~ Who can I best barter this to?

~ Are they selling this Item of their free will?

Green Eyes and Golden Teeth

Gain an additional Item from the Carnivale list to barter in and upgrade one of your side Items to an additional main Item.

Corruption Moves

Sign In Blood, Please

You gain an extraordinary barter mechanic from the following list:

Beauty, slaves, youth, power, or desire.

Whenever you barter in the chosen Item you may force the person buying to give you 1 Debt if a PC or 2 Debts if an NPC in addition to whatever price you levy. Then Mark Corruption.

Friends in Low Places

Whenever you are leading a group they lose one trouble and act as if they are one size larger than they really are. After you accomplish your goal with them or they disperse you mark Corruption.

Swallowed by Success

Whenever you cash in a Debt from someone who has purchased your services you additionally get the following:

They offer you a useful item or piece of information. If you take it or use it, Mark Corruption.

Goblin Marketeer

You may Mark Corruption and take 1-Harm (ap) to immediately ask questions about a person as if you had rolled 12+ on an Advanced Figure Someone Out roll.

Wow I am late to the party.

Wow I am late to the party.

Wow I am late to the party. My generous probably-soon-to-be-official boyfriend got me Urban Shadows because I am a tricky person to buy a birthday gift for. I am loving it and want to set up a game after the American-Winter Holiday storm that will be whipping up soon. I still need to read quite a bit and am watching a game being played at the moment to better see rules in action. But, my first idea is thus:

Necropolis Britain: An alternative timeline where Africa, America, Hong Kong, and India all rebelled against the UK for what had been done to them during their histories. This will lead to an “underground” movement in the City where the four Factions are striving for control and the tenuous alliance between the Conquering Countries is beginning to fray while the revitalizing movement of Olde Britain is coming to the fore to try and take back what they had. I am working with a native UKanian to try and get this a good combination of modern day Daventry/Rugby, what consequences a take over would have, and what new Archetypes to introduce.

That is probably a lot but I want to discover the extreme of “Fantasy” within Urban Fantasy and have been reading way too much (or not enough in my mind) Neil Gaiman as of late. This will take place on Myth Weavers and be after the week of Christmas or start of New Years in most likelihood.

So, if there is any interest here, let me know.

Enter FELONIOUS THE FERAL FELINE and her mace of misery. #masksrpg #villainselfie #magpiegames #halcyonjailbreak

Enter FELONIOUS THE FERAL FELINE and her mace of misery. #masksrpg #villainselfie #magpiegames #halcyonjailbreak

Enter FELONIOUS THE FERAL FELINE and her mace of misery. #masksrpg #villainselfie #magpiegames #halcyonjailbreak

Okay, my PBP Masks game just ended their prologue.

Okay, my PBP Masks game just ended their prologue.

Okay, my PBP Masks game just ended their prologue. I really like this system but have had waaaaaay too many bad con experiences to really like one-shot games so I have planned out a larger experience for my players. Here is a run down of what happened:

I started everyone out with something simple – they were investigating a bank robbery for some reason or another: My Legacy was there to represent his namesake, my Transformed was sent by her adoptive villain parents to test her powers, my Beacon was there under his mentor’s advice to get the NPC villain on their side, my Janus was trying to impress his father and other villains, and my Protege was testing out her powers. Sadly our Bull dropped but we are now replacing her with a Delinquent who seems exemplary.

The dice HATED everyone at first, no one made a successful roll until about the tenth total roll. Yet everyone did well.

First the Janus: He was blindsided by his girlfriend and knocked her out, robbing her as well to make sure he was just perfectly villainous. He then attracted the attention of a few other of the supers by botching a few rolls but was the first to work with the Team mechanics. He was fun and has great potential to see what will happen. I think he will be the glue that holds the team together.

The Legacy used his namesake to distract the cops and make them focus on the villains outside the bank instead of those inside. His name carried great weight and the eldest of the police force knew the super name and basically gave up without a fight even with the police chief demanding they try and take him out. He was then able to work with the Protege and smash into the bank to distract the villain inside.

The Protege was a monster, teleporting into the Bank and, in two moves, almost obliterating the NPC villain. She then was able to give her the slip and rob the entire bank as the rest of the group distracted everyone else and was able to teleport to her base while letting her mentor gather up the rest of the team to go to a meeting place.

The Transformed was awesome. She controlled the crowd by making her skin enlarge and flash horrific lights like some kind of debased cuttlefish. When the cops launched tear gas at the group she was able to create natural body-morphing filters for the Beacon and Janus so they could all get to the bank and when the villain exploded into bees and flew past them she protected the team from stings by becoming a living piece of armor around them.

The Beacon was the one who the dice loved. He rarely failed anything and was able to pep talk the Janus from running away or feeling like a schmuck, got the NPC villain to leave the bank peacefully so everyone could escape with the loot as well as cementing the team as more a team by having the backs of everyone he came into contact with.

The Delinquent showed up at the end when a trained “Super Negation Squad” came in, using a jet pack to make a huge explosion in the group and her cyberkinetic powers to overload and destroy the hi-tech weapons of the SNS.

Now, since this isn’t a one shot, the players are now able to set up a few goals. My Legacy wants to dimension hop and kill off everyone who shares his powers to have unlimited power. My Janus is now torn between his girlfriend and the rejuvenated mentor of the Protege who is hitting on him (poor guy just gets older women loving all over him) and is desperate to prove he is just as good as the rest. The Beacon is trying to set up a good team while seeing if he can turn the villain they faced the first time into an ally for the team. My Transformed wants to reacquaint herself with the villains she knew before her warping and is eager to try to make a name for herself as a Transformed who embraces her condition instead of hates it. The Protege is being a bit haughty and is wanting to find a reason to be on the team without being the weak link. And finally the Delinquent is trying to make a name for herself while also making sure her aunt (the only person whose opinion about her matters) never finds out what is happening.

All in all I had a great time with this and am plotting ways to get these people into more trouble with much more excitement. I love seeing their motivations and how they will pull together once the more savage modern age heroes who care little about property destruction and the lives of villains go after them.

I’ll have another update after the next chapter.