So, what Xenos have you created? I’m playing around with the idea of an Uplifted, Gene-modded Cephalopod (Octopus).

So, what Xenos have you created? I’m playing around with the idea of an Uplifted, Gene-modded Cephalopod (Octopus).

So, what Xenos have you created? I’m playing around with the idea of an Uplifted, Gene-modded Cephalopod (Octopus).

Independent Society.

There are a couple paths I could go here, if they have Telepathy and Telekinetic Flight, that would help them communicate and get around in the air. Alternatively, the could rely on tech and wear an outfit which grants them mobility. I like the idea of the more hard science version, but their camouflage ability would be lost inside the suit…

What are the assumptions made when you make Xenos? Do they default to human-like abilities? In other words, do I need to buy Locomotion Swim and assume they can now walk? Or they can obviously swim, and I need to buy the ability to walk?

I’m curious about any ideas for this ‘Xeno’ you might have, and I’d be interested in hearing of other Xenos you’ve played with.

Well, hello fellow Uncharted Worlds fans! This can work for us, too!

Well, hello fellow Uncharted Worlds fans! This can work for us, too!

Well, hello fellow Uncharted Worlds fans! This can work for us, too!

I’m excited to be starting a new game tomorrow!

I’m excited to be starting a new game tomorrow!

I’m excited to be starting a new game tomorrow! I’ve played in a couple games/campaigns, but this will be my first time GMing UW. I’ve also GMed and played other AWE games, so I am familiar with the general principles. Nevertheless, this is where I ask for advice. With the exception of one enthusiastic-but-completely-new-to-ttrpgs player, the others are coming from a more traditional (d20) background. I’d love to hear about anything that you feel worked really well or really horribly from your own games, or anything else you feel is worth mentioning. Thanks!

I’m curious: Those of you that have played a good bit of UW, what’s the most advancements you’ve acquired with a…

I’m curious: Those of you that have played a good bit of UW, what’s the most advancements you’ve acquired with a…

I’m curious: Those of you that have played a good bit of UW, what’s the most advancements you’ve acquired with a single character?



We just ended our second session, the first one in which we played. And play we did, for 8 hours!

We’ve got the Nobleman (privileged, clandestine, personality) from the poorest system in the cluster; and the Entrepreneur (crowded, commercial, explorer), and the Hacker (advanced, scoundrel, technocrat) who are both traitors from the most advanced and powerful system, recruited by the Noble.

We’re working for the poorest system in the cluster, and our larger mission is to keep the most dominant players at odds. So, we took down the oppressive governor of a colony, before he could nationalize all business there and put a boot on their necks. It did cost more than a few lives, but it did keep the survivors free, at least for now.

Hello, fellow UW-nauts!

Hello, fellow UW-nauts!

Hello, fellow UW-nauts! So, I’ve finally got a group together to play Uncharted Worlds! We’ve been playing Fragged Empire for about a year and are looking for a change of pace. I’m really excited! We spent last night creating our characters and the cluster of worlds in which we’ll be starting. We made 2 worlds each using a system from some Fate book which was pretty interesting. We ended up with 8 worlds, 1 at Tech class 3, 2 at tech class 2 and the most others at Class 1and a couple lower.

During character creation, I found one thing a bit strange, however. While I love the idea of workspaces, their implementation seems a bit limiting. For example, if I choose an Academic, with Chemistry and Surgery, I’ll be limited by my work space as to which one I can actually utilize.

Has anyone else found this to be a problem? How did you deal with it? Is there a way to expand a workstation? The GM proposed the option to expand a workstation once you had your 4th skill in that profession, but I’d like to hear if there are any other suggestions.

Hi guys!

Hi guys!

Hi guys!

I’m working on starting a AWDA playtest via Play by Post.  If PbP is a thing you are interested in, and would like to join us, please register at and give a quick into in the Newcomer section or send me a PM.

If you’re unsure about PbP, it’s not for everyone, but it’s great for people who reside in far flung timezones.  I like to explain it this way:  Playing via tabletop or Hangouts or Roll20 is like feasting on your hobby every week or 2 or 3.  Playing via PbP is like snacking on your hobby daily.