I’m in backerkit and see the condition, influence, and villainy decks but not the hero deck.

I’m in backerkit and see the condition, influence, and villainy decks but not the hero deck.

I’m in backerkit and see the condition, influence, and villainy decks but not the hero deck. Did I miss the announcement on it being delayed?

So, what playbooks are a good fit for a Ben 10/Guyver style hero whose powers come from an alien/mystic artifact…

So, what playbooks are a good fit for a Ben 10/Guyver style hero whose powers come from an alien/mystic artifact…

So, what playbooks are a good fit for a Ben 10/Guyver style hero whose powers come from an alien/mystic artifact they stumbled upon? More Guyver-style armour suit than Ben 10, really.

I see the rule book has hit One Bookshelf. How soon can those of us who pre-ordered on Backerkit expect a link?

I see the rule book has hit One Bookshelf. How soon can those of us who pre-ordered on Backerkit expect a link?

I see the rule book has hit One Bookshelf. How soon can those of us who pre-ordered on Backerkit expect a link?


I have a question about the Nova that seems to keep coming up.

I have a question about the Nova that seems to keep coming up.

I have a question about the Nova that seems to keep coming up.

Can the Nova precisely control their powers or not? The description heavily implies they have the equivalent to a fire hose of power. You can turn it on and vaguely aim it, but you’re not doing precision work with it. And there are consequences. You can use it to put out a house fire, but you’ll soak everything inside the building. Precision with a fire hose is…problematic. Sure, you could give someone a drink of water with it, but you’re going to blow them across the room.

Also, what about replicating the flares without actually using a flare? Say using telekinesis to fly…which is already covered by Move. Allowing this seems to undercut the mechanics of the playbook.

Any of the writers / designers willing to chime in?

Hey guys, just got the pdf Corebook, super excited to get my game going.

Hey guys, just got the pdf Corebook, super excited to get my game going.

Hey guys, just got the pdf Corebook, super excited to get my game going. Was just having a peruse as one does and was wondering, with the moments of truth, are they a once a character thing or can they be used once a session? Like once it’s gone it’s gone or?

Anyone has / created an influence record sheet?

Anyone has / created an influence record sheet?

Anyone has / created an influence record sheet? I would like to create one, but I do not want to reinvent the wheel. It would be in the form of a statement, followed by a table with a couple of fields to fill.


I have influence over …

Name | description | who are they to me


If I have a villain who really, truly believes they’re doing the right thing, and that’s a central part of their…

If I have a villain who really, truly believes they’re doing the right thing, and that’s a central part of their…

If I have a villain who really, truly believes they’re doing the right thing, and that’s a central part of their character, should I give them a move like “explain why their actions are justified” “insist they serve the greater good” or “go to any lengths to achieve their goal” to reflect that?

Masks and death.

Masks and death.

Masks and death.

I’m finishing my first read of the PDF, and it occurred to me that I didn’t see any mention about character or NPC death, except for the Delinquent moment of truth, where it’s hinted that only he may be able to make a choice other PCs can’t make, and the Doomed ticking clock of doom.

Regarding PCs, the nearest thing I found is the 10+ choice in “take a powerful blow”, but it’s far from death and it’s always a PC choice.

How much death (PCs, NPCs, villain) should be present in the game? I get that the game is not about the epic heroics: what should the tone of the game regarding death?