ive been thinking on doing something with this sort of weird online joke as a oneshot.  This might work for Masks. …

ive been thinking on doing something with this sort of weird online joke as a oneshot.  This might work for Masks. …

ive been thinking on doing something with this sort of weird online joke as a oneshot.  This might work for Masks.  PBtA seems like the best call for a this weird of a one shot.

And using the Mask powers and templates to mimic this might be the most effective.

And yes..talking about modding a thing before it even releases…I know..wierd.


HI everyone, so I just backed and downloaded your beta rules. I noticed a mistake on one of your playbooks.

HI everyone, so I just backed and downloaded your beta rules. I noticed a mistake on one of your playbooks.

HI everyone, so I just backed and downloaded your beta rules. I noticed a mistake on one of your playbooks.

The Nova. I think the base discription should have read “Weild it hard enough, and you can remake….” at the moment it reads “Will it hard enough, and….”

No idea if it has already been mentioned elsewhere but, good job so far, and going over the Indie+ Demo to learn how to play.

Well, I threw $80 at the KS based on all the fun y’all seem to be having already… hope the game is good! :)

Well, I threw $80 at the KS based on all the fun y’all seem to be having already… hope the game is good! 🙂

Well, I threw $80 at the KS based on all the fun y’all seem to be having already… hope the game is good! 🙂

I’d love any pointers to the rules themselves… I signed up for the mailing list and got the 3 files, but I don’t see enough there to tell me how to play. 🙁

Very excited about this game.

Very excited about this game.

Very excited about this game.

There’s a superhero concept I’ve been keen to play for a while, and I’d love to hear some thoughts about how to make it workable in Masks. My conundrum is that I’d like to try a more introspective and conflicted version of The Bull, with a bit of The Nova’s fear of their own powers.

For this particular hero, I was thinking of re-writing The Love and The Rival to be The Balm and The Tormentor.

____ is your Balm. They helped you maintain control when you were on the edge.

____ is your Tormentor. They provoked you into doing something you deeply regret.

I’d be interested to hear what people think about that notion. Thanks.

I’m looking at running a one-shot for a mini-con in a few weeks, and was wondering if anyone had thoughts on…

I’m looking at running a one-shot for a mini-con in a few weeks, and was wondering if anyone had thoughts on…

I’m looking at running a one-shot for a mini-con in a few weeks, and was wondering if anyone had thoughts on “pre-gen” characters. I want to spend as little time as possible on character generation, but so much of the story comes out of the initial creation. So I’d like to have some balance.  Here’s what I was thinking:


Code Name

Playbook Moves

Let players choose:


Power set (if applicable)

“When we first teamed up”

–Pros/cons on those choices?  

–And what about Backstory? It’s such a fun thing for players to create, and would be very time consuming for me to make up for all possible pre-gens, but at the same time, this could take a lot of time that we could be interacting.

–Also, what to do about things like the Protege’s Mentor, The Legacy’s Legacy, and similar things?

–Are there any playbooks I should just leave out for a one-shot/con game?

Mask Idea:

Mask Idea:

Mask Idea:

The robotic teenager, who starts without being able to take ANY debility but damaged (-1 to all rolls).

The core mechanic is getting in touch with human emotions; when you unlock a feeling, you unlock a new move, but gain the ability to take that affliction. (When you learn the meaning of Hope, Passion, Righteousness, you open yourself to Hopelessness, Anger and Insecurity, etc).

Update: Sounds like someone’s releasing “The Newborn” to embody this. In the future, we will be robots.