The Haunted Case of Eleonore Zugan by Marek Golonka (Grade: C)

The Haunted Case of Eleonore Zugan by Marek Golonka (Grade: C)

The Haunted Case of Eleonore Zugan by Marek Golonka (Grade: C)

Blood in Budapest by Marek Golonka (Grade: C)

I wanted to like these mysteries much more than I did. They deserve praise for professionalism in the face of almost no published examples to draw from and an outside author bravely entering a foreign language market. I was advanced free copies for review with no strings attached. The author solicited feedback from both Michael Sands and the Dungeon World Tavern community. All of this should be applauded.

The mysteries are not horrible, I have written far worse. However, I did not expand any of my fan mysteries to thirty pages and then charge a reasonable fee. I am now convinced this idea itself was a mistake. Most Monster of the Week mysteries are simply not strong enough in my opinion to alter the standard mystery format and support a full thirty page treatment. Say ten mysteries in the standard format with some sort of unifying theme would have been far better. An exploration of the Monsters and Legends native to Eastern Europe with a unique Campaign Arc I might have found promising and compelling.

While the Eleonore Zugan module is something like the Eastern European version of the infamous American “Bell Witch” case; neither historical events to my mind dramatized present mysteries ideally suited to the Monster of the Week role playing game.

The Blood in Budapest presents Hungarian vampires. Why Hungarian and not Romanian or Serbian in following with the actual history of vampire mythology? Budapest is a lovely city but then so is Toronto and I find the idea of extremely polite Canadian vampires far more amusing.

I think Marek Golonka is a promising author who I hope will soon present us with Role Playing adventures that are exceptional as opposed to merely routine.I wanted to like these mysteries much more than I did.

So I’m running an ongoing game and have a lot of people showing interest in playing.

So I’m running an ongoing game and have a lot of people showing interest in playing.

So I’m running an ongoing game and have a lot of people showing interest in playing. The game started with 2 players and now have six wanting to play. I hate turning people away so I was hoping for advice on running a game for a large group.

Dear All, do you know any blogers/vlogers who review PbtA materials and are interested in Monster of the Week?

Dear All, do you know any blogers/vlogers who review PbtA materials and are interested in Monster of the Week?

Dear All, do you know any blogers/vlogers who review PbtA materials and are interested in Monster of the Week? I’d like to propose some review copies of the mysteries I published with GRAmel but I don’t know whom to talk to about it 🙂

Dumb question (I should know the answer to this): Are there 2nd Edition versions of the playbooks for the Action…

Dumb question (I should know the answer to this): Are there 2nd Edition versions of the playbooks for the Action…

Dumb question (I should know the answer to this): Are there 2nd Edition versions of the playbooks for the Action Scientist, Snoop, and Summoned?

Can anyone link me? Michael Sands?

Hi All

Hi All

Hi All

Have been having a blast with MOTW, but recently my groups has really gotten into the whole stand off at a distance or hole up and wait to ambush with guns.

Aside from throwing things that are immune to firearms, how can I start to move the group away from the gun heavy mentality.

Sniper rifles and grenade launchers I can foresee problems with in the future.



Hey all

Hey all

Hey all,

Is anyone here familiar with the game, Witch Hunter: the Invisible World. It’s basically a very Solomon Kane-esque 17th Century swashbuckling-horror game that focuses on monster hunting and exploration. I’m pondering how one might use the setting with Monster of the Week, specifically how one would set up the playbooks. Any ideas?