Hello all, been playing MotW for a while as the GM and ran into a weird question.

Hello all, been playing MotW for a while as the GM and ran into a weird question.

Hello all, been playing MotW for a while as the GM and ran into a weird question. I was directed here from someone on Reddit, and was hoping you all could possibly fill me in.

I got into a deep conversation the other day with someone over how much extra work I put into my mysteries, and we then discussed ‘if it was true to the spirit of MotW/PbtA Games”.

For a quick example, let’s say I decide to have your standard ‘serial killing monster’

At the very least, I will have a small ‘info dump’ on the monster, including what I call a ‘hard clue’ and a ‘soft clue’.

The hard clue will be an incontrovertible bit of evidence about the monster that I ‘pre plan’

The soft clue will be a short ambiguous description that I will directly pull from the players, or their interactions, or their playbooks.

So, let’s say I make a monster, and say it’s killing people to feed off them, and the gimmick of this monster is that it eats people that are drunk.

So one of my info lines will say something like:

* monster kills victims to FEED OFF THEIR LIVERS

* monster ‘hunts’ for victims at

And so on. The all-caps is a ‘hard clue’, and the bit in angle brackets is a ‘blank’ for a soft clue. So, maybe when they investigate they say “hey, this dude seems to be drunk, is there a bar nearby?” And then I can say something like “maybe, what kind of bar?” And then whatever they respond with, I can then put in the blank of the soft clue like a ‘mad lib’.

This also allows for different players and settings to kind of flesh things out. Like, if they said “dive bar” instead of “posh club” or “dance club”.

My friend feels like I’m kinda breaking the rules as the Keeper, as I shouldn’t be planning out anything past what shows up on the mystery sheet. I’m arguing that if I’m actually letting them /investigate mysteries/, I’m going to need some sort of cheat sheet to refer to, in order to keep all the various clues/‘rules of the monster’ in mind.

This also makes everything flow a lot better narratively as my cheat sheet has just enough specifics to cover any sort of weird CSI type idea the table comes up with investigating (like searching for droppings in a ‘nest’). Seriously, they really enjoy investigating.

Now, I rarely have much actual planning past that. Just a general idea on some of the areas I might need to have on hand, maybe a half-scribbled map or information on the area, and then one or two half-filled pages of NPCs I can crab from when they need one. The rest of it is standard mystery worksheet stuff.

My friend assured me I’m doing it mostly wrong, even if I’m not planning out the entire plot, as I’m already railroading the table by having specific clues/data decided upon before the game even starts.

I say that it’s pretty much impossible to have a lot of decent ‘investigation’ or ‘puzzles’ or ‘cases to solve’ unless you can honestly answer most questions the players might send my way.

So, my question to you guys is: “do you prepare ahead of time for any investigation heavy mysteries, and if so, how deep do you go?”

If you have time, my follow up questions would be “Why do you do it this way” And “Do you think your way is abiding behind the spirit of MotW/PbtA Rules/gameplay?”

Thanks in advance

I have played in two games in which players have picked The Divine.

I have played in two games in which players have picked The Divine.

I have played in two games in which players have picked The Divine. In both cases, the players chose as their mission “The End of Days approaches. Your role is to guide these hunters and ensure it comes to pass.”

I think this is an incredibly sexy option, and I imagine a lot of players pick it.

We worked out the whys and whatnots, but we wanted a move for the player to use during the mysteries so that her mission could continue without becoming everyone’s focus. Has anyone created such a move?

Here’s what I came up with:

Signs of the Apocalypse

When you identify a person, place, thing, or event as being directly related to the impending opening of a seal, mark a seal below and roll+weird.

 Pestilence (white horse)

 War (red horse, blood & fire)

 Famine (black horse, scales of justice)

 Death (pale horse)

 Cries of the martyrs, Wrath of God

 Earthquake, cataclysmic events

When there are no more seals, mark this one:

 The Final Seal

On a 10+, you know how to open the seal or how to prevent it from opening; tell the MC what must be done. The MC can tell you a complication that you are aware of. On a 7-9, you have a vague idea of how to open the seal or how to prevent it from opening; the MC will tell you what you know and will hint at what you don’t. On a miss, tell the MC how you think the seal can be opened or prevented from opening. You are wrong. In time, you will find out exactly how wrong you are.

(Note: in our game, the player is trying to engineer a special spin on the Apocalypse, so she wants certain seals to open and others to stay closed, which is why the move is written as it is.)


I’m looking at starting a MotW game with a single Player.

I’m looking at starting a MotW game with a single Player.

I’m looking at starting a MotW game with a single Player. I’m thinking that I will giver her one or two allies to start with’ to round out her team and to have some characters to menace besides hers. My one question with this is:

Do ally NPCs have a harm track? Do I need to set the amount of harm these allies can potentially take beforehand, or should I just treat them as the fiction demands and if it’s appropriate for them to die the result of a hard move, kill ’em?

I couldn’t find much of anything in the rules so I thought I’d ask here. Let me know if I’m missing something obvious. Thanks!

Attention French-speaking hunters! Crowdfunding for the French translation of Monster of the Week is going on now!

Attention French-speaking hunters! Crowdfunding for the French translation of Monster of the Week is going on now!

Attention French-speaking hunters! Crowdfunding for the French translation of Monster of the Week is going on now!


I have updated my Monster of the Week DOOM Clock.

I have updated my Monster of the Week DOOM Clock.

I have updated my Monster of the Week DOOM Clock.

works in Chrome and Firefox,

dose not seem to work correctly in IE ( working on the issue.


Load the Page.

Click one to Set to “Day” mode

each subsequent Click will step the clock towards Midnight.


ok so i just got back from my Monday D&D game and the next gathering will be the day before Halloween, so i will be…

ok so i just got back from my Monday D&D game and the next gathering will be the day before Halloween, so i will be…

ok so i just got back from my Monday D&D game and the next gathering will be the day before Halloween, so i will be running monster of the week for the first time as a one shot. is there any advice you all can give ?

I’ve got a The Spooky who has chosen “Dark Bargain” as one of the tags of her Dark Side.

I’ve got a The Spooky who has chosen “Dark Bargain” as one of the tags of her Dark Side.

I’ve got a The Spooky who has chosen “Dark Bargain” as one of the tags of her Dark Side.

The last session, the Dark Side tempted her with mystical power if she accepted a bargain; intentionally abandoning an annoying bystander to certain(?) doom in order to save the rest of the bystanders. She accepted.

I’m considering how to reward her with the proffered powers. I’ve written a couple moves that are thematically tied to the events around the bargain.

I’m considering whether she should just get access to new moves, perhaps limited to one use per mystery or one use per session, or whether i should offer something akin to a Compendium Class from Dungeon World, where we could develop a set of advanced moves together, and then she could pick from that set upon advancement.

How have others developed compendium classes or otherwise addressed similar issues, for the Spooky or other Playbooks?

Hi All – My regular group of gamers is looking to branch out and everyone is kind of taking turns running different…

Hi All – My regular group of gamers is looking to branch out and everyone is kind of taking turns running different…

Hi All – My regular group of gamers is looking to branch out and everyone is kind of taking turns running different games. I’ve never GMed anything before, but I wanted to give a whack at MotW.

So here’s my struggle – I’m about ready to start up. I think I’ve got a pretty good grasp on how everything works. But I’m torn on where to start. Does anyone have something they recommend for beginner players that has a good mix of combat and mystery? It’s also kind of a large group (ranging from 3-5 players plus me), so I’m willing to bump up enemies myself if need be.

Thank you for any and all help, advice, etc

Hey hunters!

Hey hunters!

Hey hunters!

Happy Jacks RPG is starting up a new live Twitch video cast and podcast game.

Monster of the Week actual play on Monday, October 2nd from 8-10pm Pacific! It’s called Interpol X.

I was invited to be the keeper. Come join us as a team of Interpol investigators track down monstrous threats around the globe!

