New edition update: I’ve got the spec sheet for new interior art to check out this weekend.
It’s going to be awesome.
New edition update: I’ve got the spec sheet for new interior art to check out this weekend.
New edition update: I’ve got the spec sheet for new interior art to check out this weekend.
It’s going to be awesome.
Been roughing out the layout for the revised edition of Monster of the Week last week & this.
Been roughing out the layout for the revised edition of Monster of the Week last week & this.
Getting close to ready to start art directing the new art (there’ll be a significant amount). Lots of the original Daniel Gorringe art is still gonna be in there, plus a new piece or two if we can manage it.
And I’ve secured Eric Quigley ( to do the cover art for the revised edition. There’s gonna be some tentacles on that thar cover, but that’s hardly the only thing due to be going down, there. Not by far. 🙂
A brief commercial interruption: may I bring to your attention a new game kickstarter from one of the earliest…
A brief commercial interruption: may I bring to your attention a new game kickstarter from one of the earliest playtest Keepers for Monster of the Week.
The game is really good, and there’s some cool new twists on the AW engine to get the cyberpunk feel.
Originally shared by Gary Anastasio
More Apocalypse RPGing Cyberpunk style!
For those of you following the revised edition, I sent the text to Fred Hicks last night for layout. Exciting!
For those of you following the revised edition, I sent the text to Fred Hicks last night for layout. Exciting!
(Less exciting has been dealing with various document formatting issues before the real work can start.)
So, I have a player that when being rushed by wolf minions, kept wanting to mainly dodge and only do damage if an…
So, I have a player that when being rushed by wolf minions, kept wanting to mainly dodge and only do damage if an opportunity presented itself. Now, I could just rule that as Act Under Pressure or Kick Ass, but I like the idea of making a custom move available to my players.
What do people think of the balance of the following?
Dodge, Parry, Thrust.
If you see a non-ranged attack coming and you mostly want to dodge rather than fight back, explain how you’re dodging and roll +Cool.
* If you get a 10+, you don’t take any damage, In addition, you can either hold 2 or harm your opponent if you have a weapon at hand.
* If you get a 7-9, you have a choice. Either you don’t take damage, no other effect, or else hold 1 and you take a blow from your opponent that does one less harm than normal.
* On a miss, you take at least one harm more than usual, and your opponent takes none.
Spend one hold to do one of the following:
* You put you opponent off-balance. Next time it is hit, an additional harm is done to it, unless it is given time to recover.
* You sense a weakness in the way your opponent attacks. Take +1 forward the next time you try to hurt it or dodge.
* You get a good feel for what part of you it tends to go for, and can move to protect it better. Take one less harm the next time it hits you.
* As any one of the above, but the advantage is given to one of your friends. You need to narrate how that works.
Convention games and pre-selected playbooks.
Convention games and pre-selected playbooks.
I’m thinking to taking to MotW to a couple of conventions here in the UK, one of which won’t be a gaming only event, so I’m likely to have a potential audience of non, or at least inexperienced, gamers.
Given that, what are peoples thoughts on pre-selecting playbooks in advance? Good or bad idea? With possibly four hours or less in which to get through everything, I’m thinking that reducing the choices and therefore the amount of explaining required, would be a good thing. Am I wrong?
Thoughts appreciated (as are mystery suggestions).
Hey-o! Question for all. I’m looking for a source of photos for my upcoming convention game of MotW. I want to be able to plop down pictures of NPCs when players meet them. Nothing much is set in stone so far.
The game will itself be set at a convention (how meta!), and so I’ll mostly need young adults. I’m considering grabbing some pictures off of cosplay sites (because, convention!), though part of me feels a bit weird about using them, even though it’ll just be in-person stuff and not online or anything.
I’ll probably also need some staff members.
And a small but very significant change to big magic.
And a small but very significant change to big magic.
Now the Keeper can specify “A specific side effect or danger” as one of the requirements.
I’m continuing revisions, currently working through some minor changes and clarifications for the basic moves.
I’m continuing revisions, currently working through some minor changes and clarifications for the basic moves.
Here’s the new version of Manipulate Someone (it’s not very different):
This move is used when you want someone to do something for you. You’ll need a good reason for them to do it, and what counts as a good reason depends on what you are asking for and your relationship with them.
For friends and allies, you might just need to ask. For witnesses to a monster attack, you could tell them you are with the police, or just offer them some cash for answering your questions.
Once you have given them a reason, tell them what you want them to do and roll +Charm.
For a normal person:
– If you get 10+, then they’ll do it for the reason you gave them, or—if you asked too much—they’ll tell you what, if anything, it would take for them to do it.
– On a 7-9, they’ll do it, but only if you do something for them right now to show that you mean it.
– On a miss, your approach is completely wrong: you offend or anger the target.
For another hunter:
– On a 10+ they mark experience and get +1 forward if they do what you ask.
– On a 7-9, they mark experience if they do what you ask.
– On a miss, it’s up to that hunter to decide how badly you offend or annoy them. They mark experience if they do not do what you asked.
I’ve also changed the advanced Manipulate Someone to just make someone into an ally for the current mystery by default, although they can still be a permanent ally if you do enough for them.
I’ve just finished preparing what I plan to be an introductory mystery in the revised edition.
I’ve just finished preparing what I plan to be an introductory mystery in the revised edition. It’s going to be inflicted on my Monday crew tomorrow, and we’ll put the Crooked and Spell-Slinger into the mix too.
Feels a little strange to be playing Monster of the Week again with this group! We played for ages while the game was being written, but not really since then. The group’s lost one player and gained another since then, and we’ve been playing lots of The One Ring and Torchbearer, interspersed with one shots here and there. With all that, I expect a strange mix of familiarity and novelty.