Some moves for the awesome extra-dimensional symbiotes by +Nathan Riddle.
Some moves for the awesome extra-dimensional symbiotes by +Nathan Riddle.
Knitter Hive
You have become a breeding colony for the knitter organisms. They swarm through your vitals accelerating cellular regeneration and performing other far more mysterious functions you don’t understand within your body.
Regardless of how much harm you take, your wounds are never unstable. You can heal serious wounds (4+ harm) without medical treatment at a rate of 1-harm/night of rest and moderate wounds (1-3 harm) heal at a rate of 2-harm/night.
When you wake up after a night during which the knitters healed you, roll +Tough. On a 10+, you’re hot and shaky, but generally fine. On a 7-9, choose one: take -1 ongoing for most of the day from nausea and cramps, or take 2-harm ignore-armor right now from barfing up… something.
You have a small triangular organ attached to the inside of your sternum. When active it hyperstimulates the fear centres in anyone that looks at you, triggering intense flight/fear responses. People have been scared to death because of this symbiote.
When you lock eyes with someone and activate your phobogen, roll +Weird. For an NPC, on a 10+, choose one. On a 7-9, the Keeper chooses one: they flee from you, screaming in terror; they curl into a fetal position, babbling nonsense; they attack you in a blind panic. On a miss, the Keeper chooses one and the NPC is going to need serious medical attention real soon.
For another Hunter, on a 10+, choose one: they flee from you, screaming in terror; they curl into a fetal position, babbling nonsense; they attack you in a blind panic. The Hunter marks XP if they do what you want and is acting under pressure to do anything else. On a 7-9, you still choose one and the Hunter is still acting under pressure to do anything else, but they don’t mark XP if they give in.
A phaseworm is a long slender symbiote with lots of little legs like a millipede. Once implanted it latches on to the underside of your spine. The legs connect it to your nervous system and once the two of you finally get along, you can ask it to create localized spatial distortions around you. These fields can let you compress, stretch or sidestep distance.
When it cooperates, the phaseworm’s spatial distortion fields allow you to instantaneously cover any distance of up to about a city block. Mentally asking your phaseworm to create a field is manipulating someone. Lord only know what you have to promise the thing to make it cooperate.
Black razor sharp tendrils lair in your mouth. Their reach is impressive, easily able to tear the flesh from a person across the road.
Unfortunately you can never get rid of the taste of blood, whether it’s another’s or from the cuts in your mouth.
Flenser (1 to 4-harm intimate close near messy)
If it’s been 6 hours since the flenser last tasted flesh, roll +Tough. On a 10+, the tendrils writhe and twitch, but you keep them under control. On a 7-9, the range and damage of the tendrils are halved until they deal at least 1-harm to a living creature. On a miss, the Keeper gains hold 1 in addition to whatever else they say. The Keeper can spend this hold at any time to deal 4-harm messy to a nearby living being as the tendrils attempt to feed.