My players think this idea is cool, so I figured I’d share it here:
My players think this idea is cool, so I figured I’d share it here:
As I’ve already made rough drafts for the next six games, I thought I’d let the players decide what to play next, so after every session they vote. Now, all I give them are episode titles that might spark an idera in their heads, I don’t give any details.
So far, our campaign began with “And then there was one…”, a story about a vengeful ghost that haunted mirrors and choked people to death with rich loam. Then followed “Smoke on the water”, which, af course, took place at sea. An arctic expedition was transporting ice-cores for research, and some crewmen had begun exhibiting strange symptoms. Probably not something you’d want to have hit your shores…
Last game was “Dead as Disco”, beginning with a young woman with her throat torn out, upped to mind-controlling vampires and a grand battle in the end. If I could have made it end in a dance-off in any concievable way, I would have 🙂
Our next session will be “School’s out for summer”, taking place in a lovely, posh British boarding school, and up for grabs for now )until I have some time on my hands to think of more titles) are “Tequila Sunrise”, “Something Fishy”, “Deep South” and a Christmas Special “On the first day of Christmas…”