Totally awesome idea on the Geek about a Monster of the Week “shared universe” to let players and Keepers drop in and out of the plot.
Totally awesome idea on the Geek about a Monster of the Week “shared universe” to let players and Keepers drop in…
Totally awesome idea on the Geek about a Monster of the Week “shared universe” to let players and Keepers drop in and out of the plot.
Hi! Doors anyone know if there are any 1 page versions of the MotW playbooks?
Hi! Doors anyone know if there are any 1 page versions of the MotW playbooks?
We started our MotW game last night. Went pretty well. The only difficulty is we have two players who are very new to roleplaying and they found the 4 page playbooks very hard to navigate and find things on.
I think if there was a 1 page sheet for them it would simplify things and make their character info more immediately accessible.
Has any one done 1 page versions?
Ran our “Halloween episode” tonight.
Ran our “Halloween episode” tonight. One of my players came as his playbook The Wronged & then they were going to a Halloween party after. I love my group.
So I had a player want to put a sleep whammy (think Prophecy “shh….”) on a person through Use Magic and defended…
So I had a player want to put a sleep whammy (think Prophecy “shh….”) on a person through Use Magic and defended it through this effect:
• Do one thing that’s beyond human limitations.
• Trap a specific person or monster. (the trap being sleep)
Now, after the game, it sparked a discussion that the first effect pretty much sums up all magical effects and would allow anything without using any other roll / or Big Magic
I am inclined to believe that the Sleep Whammy effect is a form of Trap as long as you do not interact with them, but I know my players are Murder Hobo-y enough to use this eventually to set that up for a coup de grâce.
As to the first one, I think thats meant to allow characters to push what they could already do beyond their limits and not to give new abilities.
I am wondering how others would handle this. Thoughts?
All setup for character/team creation!
All setup for character/team creation!
Anyone running any one shots for Halloween this year?
Anyone running any one shots for Halloween this year?
Had my players pick actors who play them in our Monster of the Week game/TV show.
Had my players pick actors who play them in our Monster of the Week game/TV show. So far we’ve got Charles Bronson (The Wronged), Steve Buscemi (The Flake) and Willem Dafoe (The Monstrous).
Monster of the Week @ Celesticon in California
Monster of the Week @ Celesticon in California
Greetings, Hunters and Keepers of Mysteries.
Over Labor Day weekend, I ran a game of Monster of the Week at Celesticon in northern California. It was one of TWO official MotW games on fairly small roster of games, meaning I got to run and play the game. I win!
I ran Creature Features, which is just a catch all for my MotW stories. I have 8 mysteries prepped, but I’ve been having fun creating mysteries on the fly, based on the characters and history the players establish during creation.
This one involved a series of drownings at lakes near the hunters’ home town. Investigation revealed it had been going on for years, but very slowly. Our hunters were a Chosen, a Flake, a Mundane, an Exile, a Wronged, and a Spooky. I had a great group of roleplayers who made me think and laugh a lot.
The wronged had some sort of water spirit that had slain his older brother a few years ago. So I made that monster type a minion of the Big Bad so he’d have several possible chances to interact with them and maybe get vengeance on the one who killed his brother.
A couple of the players chose dark issues (drug abuse) for their hunters. But it was a shared addiction that brought the two characters closer together and added to the overall mood.
The Big Bad was an ancient, shadowy conquistador-sorcerer who planned to blow up a dam, sacrificing all the lives lost to bring himself more fully to life. He had evil selkies and some stealthy little water imps as his allies.
I really enjoyed this game and continue a great streak with Monster of the Week. I’ll be running it again at Big Bad Con this coming weekend.
MotW with Zed
I was very excited to play MotW for a change. Zed had a great selection of skins available to choose from including one I’d never seen, The Sidekick. O.O Well, I just needed someone to play a cool hero. Luckily a player I knew created just the thing, a Persian Initiate, a spiritual warrior against evil. I loved playing a damage sponge and trouble magnet. Our group also had a Snoop and a Mad Scientist. All the players were super fun and had good creative interaction.
Zed’s mystery was awesome, with a perfect mix of monster fighting and investigation. The conclusion was not a cookie-cutter monster slaying. The local setting added to the realism, and Zed kept it tight with some intense NPCs and great Keeper moves. I certainly picked up a few cues from Zed.
It was such a treat to play. Now where do I get my hands on this Sidekick playbook?
Here are some clues and a demon trap ritual that the crew will find along the way.
Here are some clues and a demon trap ritual that the crew will find along the way.
Will post my newest monster as soon as my Hunters kill it tomorrow night.
Will post my newest monster as soon as my Hunters kill it tomorrow night.