Monster of the Week shirts for your enjoyment!
Currently you have the choice of cover art and the generic games monster. I’ll add some of the hunters when there are more votes for which ones in the post below.
Monster of the Week shirts for your enjoyment!
Monster of the Week shirts for your enjoyment!
Currently you have the choice of cover art and the generic games monster. I’ll add some of the hunters when there are more votes for which ones in the post below.
Monster of the Week merch!
Monster of the Week merch!
I’m in the middle of setting up a spreadshirt page with art from the game. I’m definitely going to have the cover art (which looks great on the sample I just got in the mail) and the Generic Games monster logo.
I was thinking of adding some for hunter classes, too, in case you need people to know you’re the chosen one, or otherwise dangerous to be around.
I’m going to add comments underneath for each hunter type. Please +1 your favourites, and I’ll put the most popular few onto shirts for you.
Hi all.
Hi all. I’ve been wanting to try out Monster of the Week for a while now, and we’re going to be starting a game next week. I’ll be the Keeper, there will be three players.
The thing we’re thinking of doing is basically running this in the world of Supernatural, using their setting and mythos straight from the show. We’re not going to be playing the Winchesters, and I don’t want to involve them (we’ll have to think about how this works, maybe we set it in the 70s or something). We’re all massive fans of the show, and given how influenced MotW is by it, it seems like an easy option 🙂
I just wondered if anyone else had run MotW in the Supernatural setting, and how did it go?
I ran my third session today with my RPG group and it went really well.
I ran my third session today with my RPG group and it went really well.
Our group consists of a Professional and a Sidekick who use an Initiate, an Expert and a Spooky as off-the-records contractors to help out with the monster-hunting. The group got wind of a poltergeist haunting an abandoned home in the suburbs. After learning their physical attacks would do nothing, the Expert and the Sidekick, through their research, learned of a special ritual (big magic) that would put the ghost to rest. After almost going mad from my poltergeist’s mind-tricks, the gang was able to successfully lay her to rest properly.
We all had a really great time. This was the first time that I used the countdown proper (now that I understand it) to help fuel the mystery. It really really really helped make the game run smoothly. Instead of me trying to prod the group to do what I wanted them to do, things naturally got worse until they dealt with the ghost in a proper way (my countdown made it to Sunset and shit was really hitting the fan).
I had previously mentioned here that I was worried about the leveling up, but that isn’t of any worry to me now. Everyone leveled up about once this session and that seemed reasonable to me.
My only cause for concern now is my hunter’s motivations. It seems to me that many of my hunters are more concerned with trying to wrangle as much XP as possible, rather than just playing the game. A few seem hell bent on trying to do things that would trigger moves that would gain them XP, rather than organically letting that happen. So it concerns me that my players are just motivated by gaining XP rather than doing what their actual characters might do. Does anyone have any tips to help me address this? Should I address it, or just let it play out?
Finally ran my first Monster of the Week session.
Finally ran my first Monster of the Week session. Really amazing time! The group and I went to town on the history section and basically created the the first 6 episodes of our Scooby Doo-esque/Supernatural TV show. Complete with a love triangle between the plucky Snoop who loves the emo heart-throb Monstrous (Zombie) whose infatuated with the clueless Expert. Created the main baddie pushing the meta-plot along for the 1st season and we’ve already lined up the baddie for the 2nd season. The players decided to go with the “traveling family/group” idea, they’re hunters who are also a band touring the road to towns and cities following any clues or premonitions the Snoop & the Spooky come up with. This episode they had to deal with a mutant amphibious fish-man devouring joggers & homeless people and was hiding in Stow lake located in Golden Gate Park in SF. They were all newbies to the Monster of the Week & the Apocalypse engine, some have never played an RPG. They loved it! Getting together again this weekend.
Have run and played Dungeon World a fair amount, am looking over MoTW to replace another campaign I’ve been running.
Have run and played Dungeon World a fair amount, am looking over MoTW to replace another campaign I’ve been running. Really love the system but have a couple of questions…
Questions around gunfighting and spell casting…
Gunfighting: I see gun use being handled in an example as Kick some ass, but the fiction of that moment was using a gun at close quarters… if something is coming at you from a distance and you are shooting it, would that be Act Under Pressure?
Spellcasting: It seems that anyone can cast a spell, with a better shot at having it come to pass if their Weird rating is high… am I reading that right? Is it intended that something in the character’s background must be in place to explain how they are casting a spell?
Thanks for any help!
I have my first MoTW game staring in a few weeks!
I have my first MoTW game staring in a few weeks! The plan is for the team to work out of New Orleans in the weeks after Hurricane Katrina. Lots of death and flood damage stirs up a slew of supernatural activity. Complicate things with the recovery efforts, crime, and out of town activism, and there will be plenty of trouble to go around.
Want to playtest some mysteries I’ll be writing over the next little while? Details in the link below.
Originally shared by Monster of the Week
Want to playtest some mysteries I’ll be writing over the next little while? Details in the link below.
TL,DR version: let me know and I’ll send you a draft.
Go to Hell: 11 Ways to Enter the Underworld
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Ready-made adventure hook in the news! What was really going on?