I’m excited to have the chance to actually PLAY in a MOTW campaign.
I’m excited to have the chance to actually PLAY in a MOTW campaign. I can’t easily count the number of sessions I’ve run at this point, but I’ve only played in 2 games: a one shot and a two parter.
So what playbook did I choose? Well, werewolves are my favorite and have been for a long time. I’ve played many werewolf characters, but this is my first chance to use the awesome Monstrous playbook to create a character.
I didn’t want to follow the stock suggestions, so I’m working with the GM on a primal drive…
Curse: To Hunt. She’s compulsive once she is given a scent to track or a lead to chase and will ignore other threats or demands from the team.
Attacks: claws and teeth
Power: Shapeshift (wolf and werewolf), Preternatural Speed
Background: It looks like the group is going with The Order as a party framework. So Deidre, my werewolf gal, is a genetic werewolf. Her parents were bad and got killed by The Order for eating one too many humans. But the hunters couldn’t bring themselves to kill a little baby girl, so did the right thing and raised her to be a monster hunter, too. This seems to leave all kinds of juicy threads regarding her heritage.