I’ve played once before, and was so excited that I found some friends who I could be Keeper for.
For context: It’s my first time being a Keeper of GM of any type. Out of the three hunters, 2 have never played an RPG before, and one has played DnD several times.
I know the book suggests choosing a classic monster for the first mystery, but I got excited about an idea and ran with it. It’s intended to be a one-shot, to see if we like the game before committing to a campaign. With that in mind, I was thinking of giving the hunters 3 luck each.
Would y’all mind taking a look and seeing what I could change/improve? I have about 48 hours to make changes. The thing I’m most unsure about is the 5-day timeframe; I don’t know if the rigid schedule is a good idea.
I’m also happy to accept any first-time-keeper tips/advice, including letting me know if this might be a little difficult to run for a first timer.
Thanks in advance!