Seeing these made me think of a sculptor who inadvertently opens a portal to another dimension?
Seeing these made me think of a sculptor who inadvertently opens a portal to another dimension? Summons a demon? Casts a different spell ? Do these sculptures become living creatures? Endless possibilities!
Saw this story, thought of the endless possible Mysteries that could come of it.
Saw this story, thought of the endless possible Mysteries that could come of it.
Another custom playbook I made, the Explorer, which is based on pulp action adventurers like Indiana Jones, Lara…
Another custom playbook I made, the Explorer, which is based on pulp action adventurers like Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, and Nathan Drake.
I’m the GM for a group of my friends in a MOTW campaign, and since one of my players is full-on masochist when it…
I’m the GM for a group of my friends in a MOTW campaign, and since one of my players is full-on masochist when it comes to character creation, I have introduced a system of quirks called Maladies that help inform how characters act. They’re like moves, but usually offer little to nothing positive; instead, focusing on adding a thematic complication to make playing that character more interesting and varied. Here’s a link to some of them that we’ve managed to come up with!
But take care; some of them are a bit graphic! You’ve been warned!
I just started MOTW as a keeper and have been having a great time as a new GM.
I just started MOTW as a keeper and have been having a great time as a new GM. I’m now two mysteries in and realized I haven’t done anything with my player The Monstorous’s dark master curse.
I was curious how other players have handled this? What were your dark masters orders/objectives and what were the repercussions for your players defiance?
My players Monstorous was a nerdy human who met a demon on the internet who made him half demon in exchange for serving him. My idea right now is for his master to be a big hungry demon who requests my player bring him things to feed on. It will request random things and human victims. As this goes on it grows in size and hunger until it will have to be dealt with in its own mystery. I was also thinking that if my hunter fails the dark master will retaliate by causing the players powers to malfunction during a mystery. It can also send in its other followers to rough him up to keep him in line if he tries to defy him.
What do you guys think?
Hello all!
Hello all! I’m looking for a group to play with via Roll20. I’ve been really inspired by The Adventure Zone as I’m sure many others have been. Please message me if anyone would be willing to add me into their group. I live in the CST time zone and am pretty flexible in terms of scheduling.
6 Mysterious Disappearances in U.S. History – HISTORY
Just ran my 2 sessions of MotW at the Crit Hit convention this past weekend (on 7/14 & 7/15).
Just ran my 2 sessions of MotW at the Crit Hit convention this past weekend (on 7/14 & 7/15). It was well received. Of course afterwards I realized there were many things I could have done differently to have even more FUN.
All the monster and minion moves that COULD have been used were not. The FIRST session no one used their 3 luck points even though there were failed rolls. I guess I’ll get better with play.
There were some EPIC fails and some AMAZING successful rolls when they were needed. I incorporated the More weirdness rules, instead of use magic and every player took advantage of those moves at their disposal during the sessions. I look forward to doing this more, spreading the weird to new players.
My first mystery! Feedback welcome and appreciated.
My first mystery! Feedback welcome and appreciated.
There have been sightings of a large, horse-like creature in the woods. The hunters arrive just in time for the local Renaissance Faire, coincidentally taking place in the neighboring fairgrounds.