Ok, I have a situation in game, how many times would you allow characters to Skirt Death?

Ok, I have a situation in game, how many times would you allow characters to Skirt Death?

Ok, I have a situation in game, how many times would you allow characters to Skirt Death?

Other words, should there be a limit or is there a limit?

Just recently started up a Monsterhearts 2 Series called Pinebox High (using the setting from pinnacle’s East Texas…

Just recently started up a Monsterhearts 2 Series called Pinebox High (using the setting from pinnacle’s East Texas…

Just recently started up a Monsterhearts 2 Series called Pinebox High (using the setting from pinnacle’s East Texas University, which our Cast will go to the University as they graduate high school in 3 seasons; which I’ll be pulling some things from the Urban Shadows game too, as they move into College and Adulthood), I wanted the game to be extra special so I created some custom Character Sheets (only the names are filled in, so they can mark their own Moves)



Kind of a unique situation: myself and almost my entire player pool are all relatively-recently come out (largely as…

Kind of a unique situation: myself and almost my entire player pool are all relatively-recently come out (largely as…

Kind of a unique situation: myself and almost my entire player pool are all relatively-recently come out (largely as trans women and all as queer orientations), and we’ve all expressed some nervousness about going over similar struggles again in play when all those scars are still pretty fresh for us.

Any advice for keeping out the uncomfortable kind of bleed? Does it violate too much of the spirit of the game to invoke the Asexuality rules and have characters who are explicitly gay?

Something occurs that I haven’t had the chance to consider previously.

Something occurs that I haven’t had the chance to consider previously.

Something occurs that I haven’t had the chance to consider previously.

MH2 includes rules on asexuality. Are those for the main characters only? or is it kosher for me as the MC to invoke those rules in regards to a side character?

I’ve been rewatching E4’s Skins, and despite what I’d thought it’s still a really compelling watch.

I’ve been rewatching E4’s Skins, and despite what I’d thought it’s still a really compelling watch.

I’ve been rewatching E4’s Skins, and despite what I’d thought it’s still a really compelling watch. In many ways (small town vibe, a lot of good teen sexuality, useless grownups, strings being pulled all over the place, raves in the woods, e.g.) it feels a lot like a non-supernatural Monsterhearts campaign except maybe less queer than I’d like.

Has anyone played Monsterhearts using Skins (or something similar) as a jumping-off point? How’d it play out? For obvious reasons my search results aren’t yielding much of use.

Happenings in Christmas Village Day 25 #HiCV

Happenings in Christmas Village Day 25 #HiCV

Originally shared by Phillip Wessels

Happenings in Christmas Village Day 25 #HiCV

A 25 day collaboration of magical holiday joy for queer gamers

HiCV 2017 features further development of last year’s content as well as brand new fun for Dungeon World and Monsterhearts.

Read more about HiCV: https://goo.gl/5wKs6e

The twenty-fifth day gives joy.

The big day is finally here. It’s been a fantastic pleasure working with everyone again on this. Last year was so rewarding, and this year even more so. Huge thanks and hugs for Michael G. Barford Richard Ruane Michael Prescott Lu Quade Yoshi Creelman James Mullen Greg Gelder Tomer Gurantz Ciel Ferma!

If there are any issues, please let me know and I’ll fix it ASAP! 🙂

If anyone wants to play HiCV content, feel free to comment below.


If anyone wants to check out the material we used, it’s here:…

If anyone wants to check out the material we used, it’s here:…

If anyone wants to check out the material we used, it’s here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1yPoZg2iTjcrRawWo8ZWUnrVU4As8JfZy

We’ll be releasing a free PDF on 12/25 with this & more material for Monsterhearts 2, to bring some holiday fun to queer gamers! Feel free to jump into our community and pitch in. We are posting a new prompt every day.

Originally shared by Phillip Wessels

This morning I had a great time playing The Christmas Special for MH2 with David Rothfeder​, Jesse Ross​, Pat Perkins​ and Charles Gatz​! David played the Krampus, and it was really satisfying to see in play (maybe a little too satisfying, because I did a poor job managing the spotlight). We used the calendar to set up scenes (adding an event to the calendar before playing the scene out) instead of the usual classroom setup, and it worked great. We had the mall scene (which probably could have used a bit more direction) and the Secret Santa (which was great). Definitely got some great feedback to make it all better in this year’s PDF!

Hello all, I had a player drop from a game I wanted to run Fridays at 9PM CDT (upcoming CST) to around Midnight…

Hello all, I had a player drop from a game I wanted to run Fridays at 9PM CDT (upcoming CST) to around Midnight…

Hello all, I had a player drop from a game I wanted to run Fridays at 9PM CDT (upcoming CST) to around Midnight focusing on birthdays and the party wars that can happen around those times. Petty teenagers, absentee authority figures, and a fun upcoming mystery. We have done session 0 but can go over things and redo Strings and everything. The current lineup is a Hollow, Neighbor, and Unicorn.

Method is voice through Discord and Roll20 for dice rolls and character sheets. Please respond here or to Ferretheim#2209 on Discord if you are interested!